I just love honey, yet it wasn’t until I embarked on my Paleo adventures that I had actually tried it. Our lovely next door neighbor had given us a jar as a moving in present and I still hadn’t got around to trying it. And when I did I fell in love.
Is Honey Paleo?
Something that tastes as good as honey can’t possibly be good for us can it? Well honey is allowed on the Paleo diet but the question you should be asking yourself is if you really want to eat it?
The Paleo diet is all about eating the foods that the hunter gathers would have had access to and only eating real, unprocessed foods in our diet. There is no denying that honey is a real food and those guys back in the caveman days would have been able to get their hands on some if they were lucky, however the hugely high levels of fructose in honey means that it really shouldn’t be thought of as a healthy food.
When you are following the Paleo eating plan you are looking to really drastically cut down on the amount of sugar that you are eating and honey is a sugar sweetness powerhouse of a food!
Perhaps the best way to approach eating honey is to actually think of yourself as a caveman and think about just how much honey you would be able to get hold off at any given time. This is not a food that you would have every day, it would be a very special treat and you would use it sparingly to make it go as far as possible.
Now we can just go down to the shops and buy as much honey as we like but that doesn’t mean that we should or need to.
Paleo & Honey = Your Best Sugar Buddy!
Honey is ridiculously sweet and because of this you really do only need a little bit, especially as your palate develops as you stick to the Paleo diet for longer and you become less tolerant of super sweet foods.
I tend to use honey if I am having one of those days when I am really craving something a little bit sweet and find a little bit added to some raw milk can be both comforting and delicious as something a little different to treat myself.
Think of honey as your sugar friend and foe on the Paleo diet. Yes you can eat honey when you follow the Paleo plan but think about if you really want to be, especially if your overall goal is to lose weight and radically reduce the amount of sugar you are consuming in your diet.