Entertainment Magazine

Is a Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Movie in the Works?

Posted on the 24 February 2013 by Ningauble @AliAksoz

Ain’t It Cool News, citing sources at BioWare, claimed that Karpyshyn was secretly working on a screenplay for a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic feature film being developed as one of the planned Star Wars spin-off movies.

KotOR I and II are accepted as one of the best SW games and CRPG’s ever made and Screenwriter and author Drew Karpyshyn, (Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, Jade Empire, Baldur’s Gate, Neverwinter Nights, and both Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Star Wars: The Old Republic) formerly of BioWare, has addressed those new Star Wars movie rumors about him that are growing online.




Alas, the KOTOR movie rumors appear to be incorrect. AICN updated their report  to say Karpyshyn told them that he;

“has heard nothing about a Knights of the Old Republic movie. Of course even if he was working on it, he couldn’t say so – but I’m going to say this looks like a rumor that we can put to rest for now. His old workmates at BioWare were hoping it was true, but there was more hope than reality to the rumor. Consider this one shut down for now.”


Damn… I wanted that rumor to be true.



Via: IGN

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