Congress is still extremely unpopular with the general public (and all groups). Only 10% thinks Congress is doing a good job, while a whopping 83% thinks they are not. This kind of numbers could be a prediction of a "wave election" next year -- an election in which Congress flips from one party to the other.
And the charts below show that could be a possibility. While the public is not enamored with either political party, they view the Democrats as more favorable than the Republicans by 8 points (33% to 25%).
And the public seems to think it would be better for the Democrats to control Congress -- the House by 12 points (50% to 38%), and the Senate by 11 points (51% to 40%). It's still a year to go, but the Republicans are currently in trouble. They need to alter public opinion, and then probably hope for an anemic off-year election turnout -- if they want to hold on to both houses of Congress.
These charts were made using information in a recent Quinnipiac University Poll -- done between August 17th and 22nd of a random national sample of 1,514 voters, with a margin of error of 3.1 points.