This month's tale of woe is indeed one of woe. I am sad that this plant has entered these hallowed halls of disappointment but, dear reader, there is little hope for this one. I am just not sure if I am disappointed with the plant, or with myself for letting this happen.
I give you my beautiful, my beloved, Sorbus cashmeiriana:
At first glance you might understandably think that this is a case of extreme pruning that has got a little too extreme. I wish I could say that is correct. The other day when wandering around the garden with a gardening chum there was an exclamation of 'what's that? It's dead'. 'Dead!' I replied 'I hope not, that is my precious cashmeiriana.' A closer inspection later and this young tree looked flayed of bark higher up its trunk and there was that spongyness, you know what I mean, that spongyness of death. I muttered an expletive or two and decided I would dig it up later.
When I returned later to dig it up I weakened. I decided to cut it down to below the dead bit, which has left this stick that is around 12 inches tall. I think in the spring time I will probably dig up a dead stick, but I thought I would give it a chance.
Please stop laughing at the back.....