I try not to think too hard to choose an irritating plant each month. I tell myself not to force a decision and indeed, if nothing springs easily to mind to let a month skip. I was on the verge of the skip button. Nothing in the garden or the house plants was particularly causing me ire. It is a cold time of year and it seems churlish to criticise any plant for just trying to survive......
and yet.....
Dear reader, I present to you a hanging basket of violas.
I love a good cheeky viola this time of year. There is something about them and what I would usually term their indomitableness (don't tell me that isn't a word, I'm not listening....). Their unwavering spirit to get through Winter gives me heart.
I have already written that I am a hanging basket convert. That switch that lurks hidden until the time is right has been switched and now I look at hanging baskets and think of possibilities. This basket of violas was always a stop gap; a basket to take me from late Summer into the Spring. Whilst it was always going to be an inbetween basket, I had high hopes for it. I have tending to it lovingly; keeping it deadheaded and making sure it was not getting too dry. Getting too dry has not really been a concern as we have had lots of rain; it has been in more danger of drowning. It grew well at first but seems to have become a bit scrappy and I realised I had started frowning at it.
I am not a quick discarder though and where there is life there is hope. There is still a chance it will pull itself together. I will give it a bit of a cutting back and a feed or three and see if that perks it up. Time will tell.