Tim Cook thanked the people of Delhi by opening the Apple Store in Delhi on 20 April. Earlier he had met PM Modi. Sonam Kapoor posted her pictures with Tim Cook on Twitter, which Tim Cook retweeted and wrote – Thank you for a memorable evening.
Thank you so much for an unforgettable evening!
— Tim Cook (@tim_cook) April 20, 2023
Apple stores open in Delhi and Mumbai
Apple has opened two of its physical retail stores in India. India is now becoming a special market for Apple. The company is about to increase manufacturing in India manifold. Also, India is being seen as an alternative market to China. There is a tremendous craze for Apple products among Indian users as well. Users are seeing it as a status symbol.
In the coming few years, Apple may also open Apple stores in other metro cities of India. Both these Apple stores are based on the local theme and fully support green energy. The historic gates of the Apple Store in Delhi are displayed here. Same, Mumbai’s BKC Store has been decorated on the theme of Mumbai’s black and yellow taxis. For these two Apple stores, the company will pay a rent of around Rs 40 lakh every month.