WhatsApp It keeps rolling out new features for its users every day. Seeing the increasing popularity of ‘stickers’ on the instant messaging platform, WhatsApp has now introduced an in-app ‘Sticker Maker’ tool for its users. After the introduction of this tool, users will be able to create stickers in WhatsApp itself without the help of third-party apps. This new tool has been rolled out for iPhone users.
WhatsApp has released a new update for iOS users. Users have received the new ‘Sticker Maker’ tool in the updated version 23.7.82 of WhatsApp. By using this tool you will be able to create skitters from the photos in your phone. If you haven’t downloaded the new version yet, you can download the new 23.7.82 version today by visiting the Apple Store.
As soon as you update your iPhone to the new version, you will see the new WhatsApp sticker maker tool. If you have also got this tool, then by following the steps mentioned below, you too will be able to easily create WhatsApp stickers.
Create ‘stickers’ in Whatsapp like this
First of all, you have to go to the photo on your iPhone, which you want to convert into a sticker.
Now keep long pressing on that photo.
After this, a pop-up window will open in front of you, in which copy / lookup option will be available.
Here you have to open Whatsapp by clicking on select.
– Open the chat in WhatsApp to whom you want to send this sticker.
Now go to the text bar and paste the photo which you have copied.
– As soon as you send the photo, it will go in the form of a sticker.
Apart from the sticker tool, users have got many more new features in this update version. In this, the number of group members has been increased to 1024. Most people have got these new features with the new update, but if you haven’t got this feature in WhatsApp yet, then you may have to wait for some more time. Actually, the instant messaging app has rolled out this update on a phase manner, till then it may take some time to reach.