Destinations Magazine
The third episode of the monthly Invisible Bordeaux podcast is now available for your listening pleasure and features quality French-language conversation with Deux Degrés, the good people behind Bordeaux Safari, the interactive roleplay guidebook which was the star of an adventure on the blog some time ago, and which has just been given a full makeover with the release of a brand new edition.
But, as we are about to find out, the Safari concept has been rolled out across other cities in France (Nantes Safari being the most recent addition), and Deux Degrés are much more than a publishing house, describing themselves as an "agence de médiation" providing a platform and channels to connect local authorities with citizens. The full story can be heard below, as delivered by urban planner Gabriel Bord and designer Julianne Huon, both project leaders at Deux Degrés (pictured fifth and third left on the group photo above).
Here then is the podcast, which you'll also find on miscellaneous platforms including Anchor, Apple Podcasts/iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Breaker, PocketCasts, RadioPublic, Overcast, Podbean, Podcast Addict and Stitcher. Feel free to hit the subscribe button on the platform of your choice! And scroll on down for all the links you need to find out more about Deux Degrés.
Click here if player does not display properly on your device.
Further information about Deux Degrés: > Website:
> Social media feeds: Facebook / Twitter / Instagram
> Deux Degrés' publications:
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