The most effective employee today does not allow life and life circumstances to get in the way of their full income earning potential. These folks embrace lifelong learning and find learning to be rewarding and enjoyable. You should always make a effort to develop your own plan for learning new skills and grow in your job.Follow these simple steps to be better prepared for your next job opportunity:Conduct a personal skill review: To do this examine your last performance evaluation and make sure you are improving noted areas of weakness. Use the Internet to conduct both skill and salary research for potential new jobs that you might pursue.Develop a career path: Create a plan that takes you from your current job into your dream job. To do this, break your plan into a series of realistic baby steps. You should document the skills required to take you from today’s job to tomorrow’s.Capitalize on your natural interests and skills: If you do what you love, success becomes a natural byproduct. You should always build on your strengths and find ways to improve your current position.Act now, while you are still employed: Start developing new skills or attend training when you are employed. It is essential to have the right skills and qualifications for any position that may come up.Take advantage of easily accessible training tools: There are a lot of different ways to get training. This can include reading books and manuals, watching videos, attending industry seminars and conferences, research topics from the Internet, learn from a mentor, attend adult education classes and listen to audio tapes.Author: James LaheyArticle Source: EzineArticles.comProvided by: Programmable Multi-cooker
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