Entertainment Magazine

Introducing Doe Paoro

Posted on the 21 February 2012 by Dancefloormayhem @dancefloormayhm
Introducing Doe Paoro
Doe Paoro has an amazing voice that melds beautifully with electronic music. She just released her debut album last week, and we have a free mp3 for you to download and enjoy!
from the press release:
Doe Paoro’s self-described “ghost soul” music hovers on the edge of ethereal, entreating the listener to be transported to a shape-shifting, cosmic black hole of sound and anti-sound where her voice is utilized as an uncommon instrument and the space between notes shoulders as much significance as the notes themselves.
Doe Paoro - Born Whole [click to download]

Click Here to buy Doe Paoro from iTunes.
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You can also purchase Doe Paoro music at the Doe Paoro Bandcamp page.

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