Travel Magazine

Into the Wild

By Vikasacharya
February 2, 2017

Into the Wild

Into the Wildvanbytheriver

There is a certain spirit that we all share that can be called “wanderlust.” It is why travel blogs are so very popular, the vicarious thrill.

It was exciting to discover the word “Magyar” on the immigration papers of my grandparents. To me, it verified the gypsy blood in our veins. It was a bit disappointing later to realize that the term often referred to the Hungarian language more than the tribe of gypsies. But, still.

I happened upon an Oscar winning song by Eddie Vedder that was part of a biographical movie, Into the Wild.  Based on a book by Jon Krakauer, it tells the cautionary tale of a spirited young man, Christopher McCandless.

Born into wealth and privilege, he gave his money and possessions to charity just after college graduation, and set out on a road trip to the Alaskan wilderness.

It did not end well for him…

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