We have the coolest and the inspiring couple in the house! Introducing you Savi and Vid, hardcore travelers who enjoy traveling the world in the company of each other. Before we spill the beans, we would like to introduce Savi who is a doctorate, journalist, writer of the fabulous travel blog Bruised Passports whereas Vid is a software engineer and the man behind the captivating pictures of Bruised Passports. Together they are the owners of Bruised Passports and share their travel, food, fashion experience with their dedicated readers.
When you visit their blog page, you would just lose track of time reading their magical and fun-filled travel experiences across the globe. They motivate every one of us to follow our dream and that is the reason we invited them on LetUsPublish.com to share their experience with our readers and influence us all with this interview.
1. Thank you, the power couple to accept our request to do an interview. Please share with our readers about how you met, how Bruised Passports happened?You're welcome! Thanks a lot for having us over at your website. Both of us met in high school some 17 years ago. After graduating from high school, Vid went to university and worked in Singapore. During those 8 years, Savi studied and then taught English Literature at St. Stephens, University of Delhi.
In 2008, both of us moved to UK where Savi pursued her PhD in English Literature and Vid worked as a Business Analyst at University College London. Once we moved to UK and started living together, we discovered our true passion for traveling and exploring new places. As a result, Bruised Passports was born 3 years ago as a platform for us to share our stories and experiences from around the world and encourage others to travel too.
2. Whose idea was it to leave the lucrative jobs and start the exciting journey of traveling?Both of us had planned that we'd take a break from the corporate world once we turned 30 and that's what we did.
3. How much has travel changed you as a couple? And how do you both plan for a trip?
Traveling has brought us even closer (if that was possible lol!) and we both know and respect each other more with every passing day. Between the two of us, Savi is the planner - she researches on which destinations we should cover next and comes up with excellent plans and itineraries. Vid takes care of the actual implementation (booking hotels, buying tickets etc.)
4. How challenging is it to travel different countries in terms of the visa, new city, new people, different language? Please share a few experiences with us.It can be very challenging to apply for visas all the time and to visit a completely new place every few months, but that is what keeps us going. We love exploring new cultures. The best example is our 2 month long trip to Peru and Bolivia where we learnt about so many new cultures, cuisines, and ideologies. Not to forget the many friends we made along the way.
5. What are the changes that you have seen as an individual from the beginning of your travel journey till now?Vid: I feel I am more content with what I have. Traveling has taught me to cherish what I already have and make the most of this one life we get
Savi: Traveling has taught me to look at things more positively and keep negative thoughts at bay.
6. 40 countries and still counting! Woosh doesn't it tire you? Don't you both miss being at home?

It can get a bit tiring especially if we are moving from city to city or country to country every few days. We do miss home but have also become experts at making every new place that we go to home ☺
7. What are the important aspects that you would suggest every full-time, traveler?Be prepared for the unexpected and manage your expectations. It also helps to have a positive approach to things and circumstances.
8. Please share with us one of the best and worst memory you have had while traveling?
Vid: Best memory will have to be driving on some of the most scenic roads of New Zealand. Worst memory, well, having the worst form of a stomach infection for the first 3 days of our week long trip to The Galapagos Islands off Ecuador.
Savi: My best memory is undoubtedly the night we spent in a glass igloo in Finland as the Northern Lights danced in the sky above us. My worst memory is being denied boarding our flight to Spain for no fault of ours a few years ago. We had to wait for 22 hours at the airport and it ruined the beginning of an otherwise amazing trip.
9. What are the pro and cons of the budget as well as luxury travel? Which is the most you both enjoy?
Well, it all depends on what one prefers. We both enjoy mid-range and luxury travel and share a lot of our experiences on our website.
The biggest pro of luxury travel is, of course, the experience of being pampered. It adds to the overall experience of a holiday. Budget travel, on the other hand, is great for people who don't want to splurge on a luxurious stay and want to make their money go a long way.
10. Have you explored India completely? Could you pick one place in India that you would love to visit again?
We think we'd need at least 5 years to discover India completely. We recently completed an amazing road trip in Ladakh and would love to do that again. The scenery was just out of this world.
11. Please share with us about how do you maintain the authenticity of the contents of paid review?We only write about those places or things that we enjoy and believe that our readers will find useful when planning a trip. If we don't enjoy a stay or a service that have been provided to us on a complimentary basis, we write the truth. We have never accepted money to write a positive review of a place or a service.
At the end of the day, our loyalty and interests lie towards our readers who are like our virtual family. For this reason, we'd never promote something we don't believe in genuinely even if we are getting paid.
12. A personality quiz for the lovely couple 🙂Vid: Five angel and devil qualities of Savi
Angel: Sweet, Caring, Giving, Compassionate, and Driven
Devil: Too disciplined, Can't say no to anybody, Worries too much, Strict at times, and not interested in sports
Savi: Five angel and devil qualities of Vid
Angel: Positive, Content, Funny, Loving, and Balanced
Devil: Procrastinator, Sarcastic, too practical at times, Always hungry, and Too restless
Bio: Savi and Vid are avid travellers who share their adventures from around the world on their blog Bruised Passports. You can also follow them on Facebook and Instagram.