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Format: Graphic Novel
Published: November 20, 2012 by Yen Press
Source: Library
Genre: Graphic Novels > Horror
Get It: Amazon • Barnes & Noble
A richly-illustrated adaptation of Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire, told through the eyes of the vampire Claudia, who was just a little girl when she was turned by the vampire Lestat. Though she spends many years of happiness with her two vampire fathers, she gradually grows discontent with their insistence upon treating her like a little girl, even though she has lived as long as any mortal man...and her lust to kill is certainly no less than theirs...~synopsis provided by Goodreads
I'm a big fan of Interview with the Vampire. Confession time: I've never read the book. My fandom stems from the movie. (Also, this is the only movie with Tom Cruise I watch/like.)
When I saw this book on Goodreads a few months ago, I knew I wanted to read it. And I did loved it. The pictures were beautifully drawn and captured the story in a wonderful light. The vampires are beautiful and intoxicating, the outfits beautiful and detailed, even the background images were eye catching. One of my favorite things about the drawings is that they were colored in a sepia tone, but the blood was always in red, which always added a nice amount of drama to the horror aspect of the novel.
Ignore my chipped fingernail polish :)
Now, there's not much to say about the plot. It follows the book very closely, which I've heard stays rather close to the novel - and if the Wikipedia plot section for this book is accurate, then it does. Interview with a Vampire Claudia's Story picks up right when Lestat changes Claudia and ends in Paris --- Click for Spoiler--- with her and Madeleine's death.While I have always pitied Claudia - who would want to be stuck in a 6-year-old body for eternity? - this novel really allowed me to connect with the character and pity her all the more. It was nice to be in her mind and get sneak peeks of her "life" when she wasn't around Lestat or Louis.
So if you're a fan of vampires, Anne Rice, or Interview with the Vampire, this is something I would recommend picking up. It was a very quick read - probably took me about two hours to read. And if nothing else, it's pretty!