Entertainment Magazine

Interview with Patrick Blümel from HOLYGRAM

Posted on the 23 November 2018 by Tomatrax @TomatraxAU
Interview with Patrick Blümel from HOLYGRAM

German post-punk shoegaze outfit HOLYGRAM have just released their long-awaited debut LP 'Modern Cults'. They are now touring around North America.

Tomatrax caught up with Patrick Blümel, the band's lead singer, to ask a few questions.

How did the band form?

HOLYGRAM was formed in the end of 2015. We didn't know each other back then and met under the most curious circumstances. Looking back it feels like we have known each other forever. Founding HOLYGRAM was for all of us a way to explore new musical territories and to create music in a much more open way. We do not try to follow genres and submit to their boundaries but instead want to mix everything we like. It can be Postpunk and New Wave but also 90s Pop Music or Techno. Everything is possible in a HOLYGRAM song. We are happy that people appreciate this idea.

Where did the name Holygram come from?

It was something that came to our minds when we started the band. Although it does not really have a concrete meaning it kind of influenced our sound. You might find a certain sublimity in our music which has a loose connection to the feeling you have when entering European cathedrals like the Kölner Dom in Cologne. We actually chose a mosaic maze from the Kölner Dom as a symbol for HOLYGRAM. We are not a religious band but feel a strong connection to the city of Cologne and the cathedral is a big part of it.

You've just released your debut album, how does it feel to have it out?

We have been working very hard on the album and wanted it to be as perfect as can be. It is always an ambivalent feeling when you put out something new but once the first reactions come in (hopefully positive) all the pressure is gone and you can eventually start enjoying the music again.

What made you pick 'Modern Cults' as the title track?

The album reflects on what life in a city is like. The title track tries to capture that very moment you enter a city you have never been to, the buildings and the noise, the people, the lights but also the isolation and cold. 'Modern Cults' is an idea we had after attending a techno party where everybody was dancing towards the DJ like people listening to a preacher. What do people do when they feel lonely, lost? Everything can become some kind of cult you join to not be alone anymore. The album is a journey through a city unknown, its temptations and promises. It is for all those who want to get lost in the night.

What was the inspiration behind the dark and semi animated video for 'A faction'?

'A Faction' is about that strange relationship you have with the city you live in, the love and the pain, the alienation and the hope. We worked with French graphic designer Alison Flora who created beautiful surreal animations based on these feelings. They perfectly blend into the story of a young man getting lost in the city of Cologne. Why do dark allies have such a strong attraction and what pulls us out in the streets in the middle of the night?

You're about to tour around North America, what can fans expect from your show?

A show for us is about getting lost in the fog and lights. Forget about what surrounds you. It's like driving through the streets of a city at night and leave everything behind.

What was it like to tour with OMD?

It was our first support tour and it was awesome to share the stage with such legends. All of them, the whole crew, Andy, Paul and Stuart are really nice and friendly people and they helped us whereever they can.

What is the music scene like in Cologne?

We have a very diverse music scene in Cologne but mostly electronic. Techno is still a big thing in Germany and we feel attracted by it sometimes. 'Dead Channel Skies' is our attempt to create something similar, something you would hear in a techno club in the HOLYGRAM universe.

Given you're from Germany, why do you sing in English?

Although we are German it feels more natural to sing in English. Mostly it is about the music we are listening to which is English. English has a certain vibe and it fits best with our songs. It is possible that we write some German lyrics in the future. It would though be very minimalistic, kind of in a Kraftwerk way.

What music do you listen to?

We listen to a lot of stuff. We recently discovered Pastel Ghost, an Austin based band that's also on our American label Cleopatra Records. Beautiful songs, well worth a listen!

What do you have planned after your current tour?

We are going to start working on new songs as soon as we are back in Germany. The tour has been so inspiring and we would love to use these impressions for new material. Maybe you can expect something new already next year...

Check out HOLYGRAM'S website to find out more!
Interview with Patrick Blümel from HOLYGRAM

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