Life Coach Magazine

Interview with

By Djridings @fivethingsnow


I was recently interviewed for Please  read below to  see the interview in full. You can also click here to see it on the actual site.

This week’s blogger interview is with David Ridings of the 5 Things to do Today blog.

We are big fans of David’s blog. Not just because it’s full of inspirational ideas for new and different things to do, but becuase David actively encourages other bloggers to contribute content.

This is a great way to get your blog going with awesome and original content, but also to build community around your blog. David is also a fan of Leo Babauta, one of our past London Bloggers Meetup speakers, which makes him a good guy in our books.

Enough preamble, over now to David to inspire us with talk of his blogging antics…

1. What’s your blog called and what’s the URL?

2. What’s your blog all about (in 20 words or less)?

Getting people doing something different today. If you always do what you always did then you always get what what you always got.

3. When and why did you start blogging?

I had been interested in having a website for quite a long time. I always thought it would be based on what I do which is teach Physics. In fact i began a website which I still maintain.

I have always been interested in self improvement and development and had read quite few books in this area. I think that everyone would like to better themselves but do not always know how to do it. One of the issues with some of these books that they can say very little in many words. I thought it would be good to reduce some of these ideas into a few things to do a day. So I had the idea that a blog could be used to simplify things by suggesting just 5 things to do each day hence the title of the blog.

I only started about six months ago but other bloggers seem keen to read and keen to contribute.

4. Which blog platform do you use?

5thingstodotoday is self hosted on WordPress. It was on for a while before that.

5. Can you give an example of how blogging has enriched your life?

Through my day to day working life I meet some amazing people but everything is connected to the world of teaching.

Blogging has given me the chance to meet people with s whole range of interests and are all passionate about what they write about. Blogging events are always buzzing with inspiration and is just very different to anything else I have been involved with.

6. Are there any blogs you recommend reading and why?

There are many brilliant blogs out there but is one that inspired me the most to start writing 5things. Leo Babauta who writes this blog seems to have the knack of writing simply and making good sense.

7. What three tips would you give to someone just starting out in blogging?

1) Keep things simple. Don’t obsess about style, different plugins and writing lots for writing sake. Make your points and move on.

2) Be genuinely interested in other blogs. Read them and comment on them. If you have enjoyed what you have read say so in a comment. Follow them by e-mail.

3) Think ‘Airplane mode’ and give yourself a rest. When you start blogging you can become obsessive how many people are following you, how many people have visited and how many people have commented. With stats available on your mobile phone too you can become totally addicted.

I remember once waking up at 3.00 in the morning and I automatically reached for my phone to check how the blog was doing. I couldn’t help it at the time but have learnt now that it exhausts you. Not what blogging should do!

8. If you could change one thing about your blog what would it be?

I would like to introduce videos on the site of people discussing their five things.

9. What is the key to getting readers to your blog?

I hope that the blog is creating a source of fun and inspiration for the readers. I never wanted the blog to be all about me, so for me part of the blog is asking other bloggers to contribute their five suggestions. This way the blog becomes varied and really interesting.

10. And finally, what motivates you to keep on blogging?

I love the idea that I can meet a whole range of different people and that I can blog anywhere. It gives me a real chance to think creatively. Bloggers are learning all the time and it is a brilliant arena to learn in.

Thank you for reading.

David Ridings

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