Entertainment Magazine

Interview with Brett Sellwood from Klubknight

Posted on the 14 February 2016 by Tomatrax @TomatraxAU
Interview with Brett Sellwood from Klubknight

Gold Coast based techno outfit Klubknight have just released their sophomore EP Blackboard. Tomatrax caught up with Brett Sellwood from the band to ask a few questions.

How did the band form?

We had known each other through the club circuit and djing, we were always trying to get into the studio but it never would eventuate, we were both doing our own stuff. After attending an event together on the gold coast we both felt really inspired to get out and write some tracks which we did.

Where did the name Klubknight come from?

That same night out as above we had spoken about running our own club night, sort of half joking and taking the piss, when it came down to making the name and we thought of Klubknight, we knew that had to be it.

You've just released your second EP, what's it like to have it out?

Its a good feeling, we are really happy with it, we are just about to shoot a video for our second single, it involves a pretty crazy obscure house party.

Where did the name Blackboard come from?

The first EP was called From the Whiteboard, we wanted to follow it up with Blackboard, that and it being much darker than the first, we felt the name fits it well.

What made you pick 'White Lines' as the single from the EP?

I think White Lines was the most dance floor friendly track from the EP, we had shown a few close friends the tracks, and we had a really good response from that one.

What was the inspiration behind the video for 'White lines'?

Chris was listening to that track one day and just came out with 'Im gonna throw an 80s fitness video over the top of this track for our video', and thats exactly what he did.

Is it hard to transfer your studio sounds to the live stage?

We are currently working on a tour for the EP later this year, we are looking at ways to bring it more live rather than just a DJ set.

Do you ever listen to your own music?

Somestimes, its good to compare your older music to new ideas etc

What other music do you listen to?

GUM, The Presets, Nine Inch Nails to name a few.

What do you have planned in 2016?

Alot planned for the year ahead, we have just kicked off our own Label Called GD FRNDS, and we will certainly be out for a tour to play some shows later this year

Check out Klubknight's Facebook page to find out more!


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