Entertainment Magazine

Interview With A Snake Whisperer

By Christopher De Voss @chrisdevoss

Interview With A Snake WhispererOriginally posted on Long Awkward Pause:

I hop into John Everhart’s van.

No, he didn’t offer me candy. I kind of wished he did, because on the side of this particular van is a picture of John and a rather big, ugly Burmese Python. Over the picture in a font that probably predates the 1970′s  is the moniker; John Everhart Snake Whisperer.


The back of the van is hollowed out and now holds floor to ceiling stacked wire cages, except in one corner where an emergency venom first aid station resides. Several long poles with hooks on the end hang over the cages. They look like something Captain Hook might use to play pool with, however later I learned these were simply called Snake Hooks and Scoops and that the Captain Hook joke didn’t make John laugh at all.

We were on our way to the sugar cane farms around the Everglades of Florida. The sugar…

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