
Internet Security with OpenVPN on Kali Linux

Posted on the 29 June 2023 by Top10

In today's digital age, maintaining the privacy and security of our online activities is becoming increasingly important. With the rise of cyber threats, surveillance and data breaches, it is important to take proactive steps to protect your online privacy. One effective solution is to use a virtual private network (VPN) such as OpenVPN in Kali Linux. Kali Linux is a powerful tool that is perfect for protecting our privacy. Developed by Offensive Security, Kali Linux is a robust and widely used Debian-based distribution specifically designed for ethical hacking, network security assessments, and penetration testing.

Kali Linux provides a complete set of programs and utilities that allow users to assess the security of their systems, identify vulnerabilities, and perform various security-related tasks. With its extensive tools and resources, it is trusted by security professionals, cybersecurity enthusiasts, and ethical hackers.

In this complete guide, we'll look at the meaning of online privacy, discuss the fundamental concepts of Kali Linux and OpenVPN, walk you through the installation process, explain how to connect to a VPN, and provide helpful tips for using OpenVPN effectively.

The Importance of Online Privacy

In the interconnected world we live in, our online privacy is constantly under threat. From malicious hackers to government surveillance and invasive data collection by corporations, our personal information is vulnerable. Maintaining your online privacy is essential to maintaining our independence, security, and freedom of expression. By using OpenVPN on Kali Linux, you can take control of your online privacy and enjoy a more secure browsing experience. OpenVPN provides encryption and anonymity, allowing you to surf the web without being followed or monitored.

But why is online privacy so important? Our personal information is constantly under attack in an era of growing cyber threats, ubiquitous surveillance and massive data breaches. Online privacy provides control over our digital lives, protecting us from potential harm and safeguarding our fundamental rights.

When we go online, our online activities may be monitored and monitored by various entities, including government agencies, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), advertisers, and malicious hackers. They may collect our personal data, track our browsing habits, and potentially misuse or use the information collected. This invasion of privacy compromises our security and undermines our freedom of expression and autonomy.

Using Kali Linux and OpenVPN, an open source virtual private network protocol, users can establish encrypted and secure connections to effectively protect their online privacy. OpenVPN allows users to create a private network on the public internet infrastructure by encrypting their internet traffic and routing it through secure tunnels. This guarantees the confidentiality of confidential information, protecting it from prying eyes and potential eavesdroppers.

With Kali Linux and OpenVPN, people can take proactive steps to protect their online privacy. They can surf the web with confidence, surf securely on public Wi-Fi networks, and remain anonymous by masking their real IP addresses and encrypting their data. This combination allows users to take back control of their digital lives, increasing privacy and security in an increasingly interconnected world.

We have already considered installing OpenVPN on other systems, you can read them at the links below:

Installing and configuring OpenVPN on Ubuntu 22.04/20.04

How to set up a VPN on Linux Mint

Maximizing Internet Security with OpenVPN on Kali Linux

In the following sections, we'll walk through the process of installing OpenVPN on Kali Linux, learn how to connect to a VPN, and discuss important tips for using OpenVPN effectively to protect your online privacy. By following these guidelines, you can strengthen your defenses against potential threats and enjoy a safer and more private online experience.


To get started setting up OpenVPN on Kali Linux, there are a few prerequisites that need to be met:

  • Kali Linux: Make sure you have Kali Linux installed on your system. Kali Linux is a powerful Debian-based distribution for penetration testing and network security assessments. It provides various tools and utilities for advanced users.
  • OpenVPN: Install the OpenVPN software package, which provides the necessary tools and libraries to establish a VPN connection. OpenVPN is a widely used open source VPN solution that provides strong encryption and secure communications over the Internet. It is compatible with various operating systems, including Kali Linux.

Installing OpenVPN on Kali Linux

Now that Kali Linux is ready, let's get started installing OpenVPN. Follow these steps:

Update the system: Open a terminal and run the following commands to update the system:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Install OpenVPN: Run the command below to install OpenVPN on your Kali Linux system:

sudo apt install openvpn network-manager

Once the installation is complete, restart your Kali Linux machine for the changes to take effect.

Verify the installation: Once the installation process is complete, verify the installation by doing the following:

openvpn --version

OpenVPN setup in Kali Linux

After installing OpenVPN, you need to configure it to connect to the VPN service. Here is how you can do it:

Step 1: Get the VPN Configuration

Contact your VPN provider for the necessary configuration files and credentials. These files usually include the VPN server address, authentication information, and encryption settings.

Step 2: Create an OpenVPN configuration directory

Create a directory to store the OpenVPN configuration files. You can use the following command:

sudo mkdir /etc/openvpn/client

Note: You are seeing the above result because the directory already exists on my Kali Linux OS.

Step 3: Copy configuration files

Copy the downloaded configuration files to the newly created directory. Use the following command, replacing the name of the actual configuration file:

sudo cp /etc/openvpn/client/

Step 4: Configuring

Open the configuration file with a text editor and make the necessary changes. Make sure the file contains the correct server address, authentication information, and encryption settings provided by your VPN provider.

Connecting to a VPN with OpenVPN

After setting up OpenVPN, you can connect to the VPN service by following these steps:

Step 1: Launch OpenVPN

Open a terminal and navigate to the OpenVPN configuration directory with the command:

cd /etc/openvpn/client

Step 2: Connecting to the VPN Server

Run the following command to initiate a VPN connection:

sudo openvpn

The replacements the name of your configuration file.


sudo openvpn Germany_freeopenvpn_tcp.ovpn 

Step 3: Enter your credentials

When prompted, enter your vpn username and password to establish a connection.

Step 4: Checking the connection

Once connected, you will see logs indicating a successful connection. You can test connectivity by visiting sites like to see if your IP address has changed.

Effective use of OpenVPN

To get the most out of OpenVPN and improve your online privacy, follow these tips:

  • Use strong passwords: Create unique and strong passwords for your OpenVPN accounts to prevent unauthorized access. Avoid using common or easy-to-guess passwords.
  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Provide an extra layer of security by enabling 2FA for your OpenVPN connections. This will add an extra verification step that will make gaining access more difficult for unauthorized persons.
  • Update OpenVPN regularly: Keep an eye on the latest version of OpenVPN to take advantage of the latest fixes and security improvements. Check for updates regularly and install them in a timely manner.
  • Use Kill Switch: Turn on the OpenVPN kill switch feature, which ensures that all Internet traffic is blocked if the VPN connection is lost until the connection is restored. This prevents data from being leaked over an insecure connection.
  • Choose secure VPN servers: When connecting to a VPN, choose servers that prioritize security and privacy. Look for servers located in privacy-friendly jurisdictions and those that don't log user activity.
  • Configure your DNS settings: Configure your DNS settings to use a secure and private DNS resolver such as DNSCrypt or DNS over HTTPS (DoH). This ensures that your DNS requests are encrypted and inaccessible to prying eyes.


In this guide, we've covered the importance of online privacy and discussed how you can secure your online activities with OpenVPN on Kali Linux. We've covered the prerequisites, walked through the installation process, explained how to set up and connect to a VPN, and provided tips for using OpenVPN effectively. By taking these steps, you can take control of your online privacy and enjoy a safer web browsing experience. Remember that protecting your online privacy is an ongoing job, so stay vigilant and keep your security measures up to date. Thank you for reading this article and we hope it helps you protect your online privacy.

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Инструкции,Программы,kali linux,OpenVPN
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