
‘International Migraine’: With Imran on Brink, Recalling What Madeleine Albright Called Pakistan

Posted on the 31 March 2022 by Geetikamalik

New Delhi: Political chaos in Pakistan is something that is monitored by the world, given that in the past, its domestic stability or lack, it often has consequences for larger South Asian regions and the world.

On Wednesday, the Pakistani government of Tehreek-e-Casa Imran Khan lost its majority in the National Assembly, the house under the country’s parliament, only a few days before movement without trust in PM. This happened after the main coalition partner, the Muttahide Qaumi Pakistan (MQM) movement, reached an agreement with the opposition Pakistani People’s Party (PPP).

World concerns over the political situation can be concluded as well as possible by former US Secretary of Madeleine Albright, who died last week – he once referred to the country as “international migraine” Albright, who served as the first American Secretary of the United States and then became one of the most influential statesmen in his day, died at the age of 84 on March 23.

His comment, was made in 2008, came after increasing tensions between India and Pakistan, after the 16/11 Mumbai terror attack “My own sense is Pakistan has everything that gives you international migraines. It has nuclear weapons, it has terrorism, extremists, corruption, very poor and is in a truly important location for us. And now with this problem with India,” Albright said as quoted in December 2008.

“I also thought that the next president and the Secretary of State must have a lot of attention to the combination of problems, Pakistan, India and Afghanistan, all of which fits together. It was very important for the US,” he said, referring to the government of Barack Obama, who would be taken home in January 2009.

Albright has made a similar observation of the perception of Islamabad while giving a lecture in New Delhi in 2013. “Pakistan continues to be an international migraine. It has poverty, extremism, non-nuclear non-proliferation problems and weak governments. Need to learn how to deal with nuclear non-proliferation extremism and problems. The US is in a difficult situation to complete this. This is the center of many problem, “he said Albright, who has served as Secretary of State under the reign of Bill Clinton, suggests that India can complete “migraines”.

The post ‘International migraine’: With Imran on brink, recalling what Madeleine Albright called Pakistan first appeared on NewsBamboo.

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