Religion Magazine

Interesting Psak: Driving on Shbbos

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
According to a report in the Jerusalem Post, Ivanka and her husband, Orthodox Jews who "rest" on Shabbos, have received an interesting psak that would allow them to travel by car this Friday night after the inauguration of Ivanka's father, Donald J Trump, as President of the United States of America.
According to Mark Zell, chair of the Republican Party in Israel, who described the situation on Radio Kol Berama this morning, the psak takes into account safety issues, and compared this to a situation of pikuch nefesh.
No mention (in the article) of any details beyond that, or the name of the rabbi who issued the psak, leaves me wanting for more information. Surely if it were pikuach nefesh this would be allowed, no questions asked. I wonder how this is determined to be the case. Every time the daughter of the president wants to go anywhere outside her own house - does it get the status of pikuach nefesh? Is there a credible threat right now that they took into account while in a regular situation the answer might have been different?.
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