There are seasons of the year that these fascinating hummingbirds begin their long travel in the north for them to enjoy that summer and spring season for some months in North America. Hummingbirds are small, and they are migrating birds and not like the other species; they don't like to travel in flocks, but instead, they commonly travel solo and on their own, which is about 500 miles in one time. Let's celebrate the hummingbirds and learn more information and facts about these gorgeous birds. And besides the list, check out some of the hummingbird facts.
When Fyling, Hummingbird's Average Heart Rate is at 1200 BPM
Besides their size, one of the most distinctive traits of hummingbirds is their insane heartbeat. Hummingbird's little hearts can pump to 1200 beats a minute when they are flying around. However, if their hearts are resting, it can settle into 250 beats in one minute, but the rate is higher if you compare it to the humans, which average for only 80-100 beats per minute.
The Common Species of Hummingbirds are 6
Of all the hummingbird species, Anna's hummingbird, Rufous, Calliope, Black-chinned, Ruby-throated, and Broad-tailed hummingbird are the most common. Although these birds are America's native, there are only eight species that you can find in North America.
Broad-Tailed Hummingbirds are Living in Mountainous Regions
This hummingbird species are living in the regions of highland that span the U.S and Canada to Mexico and Guatemala. The broad-tailed hummingbirds are medium-sized hummingbirds distinctive for the males' throats that are colored rose-magenta.
Hummingbirds Can Hibernate
After the hummingbirds are asleep, they go in a mode of hibernation, and that is called torpor. The torpor state lets the hummingbirds sleep deeply, which allows their metabolism to slow down for about one-fifteenth of the normal state. Hummingbirds' heart rates can lower to around 50 beats a minute, and it slows down how they breathe. As a result of that, they can save approximately 60% of their energy in that state.
There are Hummingbird Species That Don't Migrate
For some reason, some hummingbirds would prefer to stay in one place, and they don't migrate during the winter season. One of the theories tells that due to their ability to go into torpor state, some hummingbirds can survive even if they don't migrate. For instance, other Anna's hummingbirds don't migrate anymore, and they stay in the U.S northwesters coast and specific Canada parts all year long.
Bee Hummingbirds are The Tiniest Birds in The Planet
The bee hummingbirds are not only the tiniest hummingbird species, but they are also the smallest birds in the world. The bee hummingbird that is females are bigger than its male that has an average weight of 2.6 grams. On the contrary, their gender counterpart only weighs about 1.95 grams. This specie's name comes from the insect because of its robust and swift flying that is similar to an actual bee.
Night or Day, Hummingbirds Can Still Migrate
To generalize, hummingbirds consume a lot of food in the day time. However, in places that have artificial light like porch lights, they can only eat and hunt in the night time, especially in seasons that are warm. When it is time for them to migrate, hummingbirds have the ability to fly regardless of the time.
There are more surprising facts about these birds. Hummingbirds are beautiful, and they are also tiny. Just like other birds, they have the ability to hunt, consumer food, store energy, and even fly in long distances.