Constant communication is one of the most inspired keys to allow learners to master learning a language. The more frequent, often, and consistent a language learner is in conquering to learn English language, the more he became knowledgeable with the language.
Interactive whiteboard (Photo credit: By Activeducator, via Wikipedia)
And so it is that learners like you should retain consistency in communicating your English skills at most times; even all times, if possible. Which is why immersion is also another method we’re including here. If interaction plus consistency with the utilization of the language is integrated, you’re going to reach your target fluency of the language.
Interaction can be done in simply two simple ways. One is mentioned vaguely here. You directly and verbally communicate your language. Make it and use it like your own native language. You don’t need to feel conscious. Just like speaking your own native language, allow English to be sunk in your system like your own local idiom. Keep practicing and do it consistently. The excuse not to use it because you’re not in an English-native locality is just an alibi. Remember that wherever you are, you can practice your English. Speak to your friends, relatives, or colleagues that know English. That way, you get the expected consistency even without the formal learning.
Or, you can do it online as well. Interactive online learning is clearly one of the trends of youngsters applied in learning English and other foreign languages as well. We’re actually making the world completely smaller with our interactive communication to them. Not only that we’re going to be socially meeting people in a more modernized way but we’re also introduced to a new culture, even if it’s done online.
So never fail to do the simplest way of learning English language. Do it in consistency.