Luck and fortunate circumstance has never been a stranger within my life when it came to particular occurrences.
I’ve constantly been having a lot of great luck; the universe is very consistent. My family and I are blessed.
The positive energy within and around my family and I that exudes out into the atmosphere generates a magnetism to continuously reflect back accordingly.
My beloved and respected Ancestors and Orishas guard with a fierce peace, power, and protection each and every day.
In the past, we’ve had to go through so much in life due to the many unsavory and demonic people who unfortunately inhabit the earth without them being able to conquer our spirits, or the essence that shines over us.
However, when we are good/spiritual people a huge percent of us have to battle with the lost souls and principalities of the world, and beyond.
The most important element of the situation is that we successfully made it through as those of us with strong faith and foresight knew we inevitably would.
We did not fret when certain events infuriated us and brought out the inner vigilante derived from our strength.
We knew the day would come when the universe would snag the unscrupulous up into the clutches of its supernatural jaws to display for our warranted observation.
We are often allowed the privilege to satisfactorily witness the retributions of spiritual vindication granted by the powers that be.