Food & Drink Magazine

Instant Pot Sweet Potatoes for Meal Prep

By Sweetpeasandsaffron

Instant Pot sweet potatoes- how to cook them to get perfect, creamy sweet potatoes in a fraction of the time it takes to roast them. Plus lots of ideas of how to use your pressure cooker sweet potatoes for meal prep!

Instant Pot sweet potatoes- how to cook them to get perfect, creamy sweet potatoes in a fraction of the time it takes to roast them. Plus lots of ideas of how to use your pressure cooker sweet potatoes for meal prep! #sweetpeasandsaffron #instantpot #sweetpotatoes

Boy oh boy has this Instant Pot sweet potatoes post been in the making for awhile.

When I first bought my Instant Pot, I tried out a few sweet potatoes recipes floating around the internet, but have been nothing but disappointed.

There seem to be a lot of ‘one size fits all’ recipes out there, but in my experience, the size of your sweet potatoes has a HUGE impact on cook time in the Instant Pot.

So guess what, friends? I decided to test out a whole lotta different sized sweet potatoes for us and document how long each one took to cook in the IP…just so we’re not disappointed when we find our ginormous sweet potatoes did not, in fact, cook in 10 minutes.

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