Normally Instagrammers Anonymous is a summary of the week that has just been as seen through my addiction to Instagram; however, it would have been VERY dull this week. Aside from a trip to the rugby at Murrayfield last weekend (obviously that doesn’t come under the dull category) I’ve done very little except work and look at flats.
My moving plans appear to be being thwarted once again – think mouldy bathrooms which are going to get “sorted, they’re painting it this week” (I kid you not), rooms the size of shoeboxes and rents larger than Greece’s national debt – but to counter act this dullness I thought we’d have a couple of photos I’ve taken during lunchtime wanders this week.
The first is of the Royal Scots Greys monument – better known to most of us as the guy on a horse at the top of Princes Street Gardens. It’s appeared several times on the blog before, in a post about Princes Street Gardens, to name but one, but most of us know very little about it. One of the UK’s longest serving regiments – in fact Scotland and the UK’s, as it pre-dates the Acts of Union – the Royal Scots Greys were part of its respective national armies for 293 years from 1678 to 1971. The statue itself dates back to 1906 and was to commemorate the fallen of the Boer war. More about the statue can be found here.

On the theme of ‘seen that here before’, the other photo is of one of my favourite buildings in Edinburgh – West Register House. Set in west side of Charlotte Square this one-time church is now part of the Nation Archives; but the building still retains much of its grandeur and pressence. From its site it looks across the square and has an uninterrupted view down George Street to the RBS building at the other end in St Andrews Square. I love this building for its green dome and golden top; standing taller than anything else around it, it looks especially good on crisp autumnal walks.
