Art & Design Magazine

InstaFame Phantom Art : Nic707

By Whatyouwrite @whatyouwrite

As reported yesterday , here is the original concept from Nic707

The InstaFame Phantom Art (IFPA) Project is a new paradigm for the presentation and exhibition of graffiti and urban art on the New York City transit system. Original art is created on suitable media in the same standardized form factors and characteristics as display pieces and inserts commonly used on NY Subway cars and buses. This allows these works to use the existing mounting hardware for these displays. Utilizing this system removes the often heard criticism associated with these urban art forms – that they vandalize and deface property – and instead allows the public to merely enjoy or simply provide the opportunity to discover the art on their own terms without prejudice. Each car or bus these images adorn takes on a new life, literally creating a moving public exhibit, charging the atmosphere with their exuberance. The IFPA Project goal is to provide a new and wholly positive voice and platform for the graffiti movement and the allied arts.

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