Fashion Magazine

Inspiring Me Now :: Loren Stewart Jewelry

By Masfashion

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 Shop above pieces and other jewelry at Loren Stewart

I love gold, dainty jewelry. As much as I love it, I don’t feel like I own enough of it. I often envy my friend Molly and Sam from, Could I Have That who always seem to have the best collection. Jewelry, as of late, is one of the first things I notice on a person. Being the minimalist I am, I have never quite gotten around to investing in pieces. It is a shame because the pieces I do have I wear, all.the.time. My Dana Rebecca necklaces are always on repeat and my Glam Rocks rings are always one of the first things I grab. Other than a few other pieces, my collection is low. I have been so busy spending time and money on finding new outfits that I have neglected one of the key essentials to completing a look – accessories.

The thing I love most about dainty pieces – they complete a look but keep it clean. Perfect for all of you other ‘no fuss, keep it minimal’ lovers out there. I have really been trying to be cautious of how and where I spend my money recently so that I can start investing in quality  pieces of jewelry. When I stumbled upon Loren Stewart on Instagram, I fell in love. Not only with her clean and cool aesthetic but also with her overall brand. Anyone who plays french music in their video is okay by me! Her pieces are quickly taking over my wish list and how could you blame me when she makes rings as cool as this? I love the way make a statement and fill the void that accessories need to without being too over powering. I love when you can wear the same piece with jeans and a t-shirt as you can with a cocktail dress and they fit perfectly with both. Loren has mastered this! Her pieces are everything your collection needs!

images via loren stewart, deck collective, neon blush

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