Image by Lost in Japan via Flickr
Japanese language is a very interesting language to learn. Not only does it challenge learners to comprehend a totally different culture, but Japan itself is a beautiful location to learn Japanese.
However, since Japanese language is undeniably intricate compared to other foreign languages, learners are basically advised to begin the basics—especially the Japanese alphabet.
Just like the English language, Japanese alphabet has its own unique features. If English alphabet has 26 letters, which basically starts from A to Z, Japanese alphabet has 48 letters, which consists of different syllables in them. It has 5 vowel sounds, which is the same with English’s, but it has 16 different consonant sounds like p, t, k, b, d, g, s, h, z, r, m, n, w, j. N, Q. Each letter has their own Japanese character, and for you to learn the alphabets correctly, you should study Japanese in Japan and enroll to its excellent language schools.
Yet, for the meantime, let’s take a look at the video provided below and learn the Japanese alphabet through familiarizing and singing the songs.
Very cute, isn’t it? Choose to learn Japanese language by starting to its basics; and the first lesson that you are about to learn is its alphabet!