Sarah and I actually met online as she is a fellow blogger, and had so much in common that we became fast friends. Now she works as the Communications and Marketing Coordinator for the Scientists in School program...which I absolutely love - and I talk about why in the clip.
We're at the 28:26 mark, and if you can't see the embedded video below, you can find it here. After our segment, one of the scientists from the program hangs out with Mike and Teresa and they get a chance to try a hands-on activity themselves!
Something we didn't mention is that this program is also a great way to bring parents into the school, as the students are usually split into groups with a volunteer needed to lead each activity. If no one is available we often ask older students to help out, but it can be a wonderful opportunity for parents who want to get involved in the classroom.
We couldn't leave the studio without taking a selfie...and please note that this is what I look like *after* a spray tan. (I like to call it my Irish-girl-inside-all-winter look.)

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