Inspiration Boards Around the Home
Monday, May 21, 2012
Hi! I'm Jessica with Arcadian Lighting, which is a wonderful online source for beautiful and affordable table lamps and light fixtures in all shapes and styles. Every day I get to write about the latest interior design trends, and today, I'd like to share a collection of inspirational boards around the home. Whether you have a goal in mind, or want to create a collage of everything and everyone you love, an inspiration is a great way to give yourself a daily, positive message. I hope you find these ideas inspiring! Thank you for having me as your guest, Mia!
An old picture frame can be given new life as a inspiration board with fresh, floral wallpaper. The weathered, ornate frame contrasts beautifully with the crisp blue wall color.
This entire wall has been transformed into a sort of inspiration board full of encouraging words. Chalkboard paint is such a simple way to make a creative space anywhere in the home.
This DIY framed inspiration board features inspiring interior designs and artwork. With just a few images, this board becomes an excellent piece of motivation when working all day at a desk.