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Infographic: 15 Noteworthy Statistics About B2C Marketing Automation

By Mystique @PaulBies
Infographic: 15 noteworthy statistics about B2C Marketing Automation

If you've got leads coming in, then marketing automation can be a powerful tool to help nurture those leads and convert them into customers - taking your business to new heights while delivering significant returns on your marketing investment.

Marketing automation for B2C companies can help marketers with the following:
  • reduce shopping cart abandonment rates
  • increase email open rates with trigger emails, automated loyalty programs
    and drip (nurturing) campaigns
  • leverage partnerships by segmenting databases for targeted customer offers.

Marketing automation will help optimize each phase of your marketing funnel and facilitate brand and product awareness. At the top, you will capture more leads with dynamic forms. In the middle, lead tracking, lead scoring and sales notifications will enable sales teams to close more deals and boost revenue through cross-selling and upselling. At the bottom, closed deals (won and lost) are analyzed to eliminate waste and identify successful tactics - allowing you to drive more leads with the same marketing dollars.

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Infographic: 15 noteworthy statistics about B2C Marketing Automation

Infographic: 15 noteworthy statistics about B2C Marketing Automation

Rene Tan
Graphic Designer
Mystique Brand Communications

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