Dining Out Magazine

Indomie Salted Egg | Quarantine Food Diary 3

By Clari @clarisaysblog

Indomie Salted Egg | Quarantine Food Diary 3

In this video, I'm sharing a product I just grabbed from the supermarket before the community quarantine was implemented. I'm familiar with the Indomie Mi Goreng Instant Stir Fry Noodles and I like that one. But since it wasn't available during that day, I grabbed the next one - Indomie Salted Egg.

I'm not a fan of salted egg snacks so I was quite doubtful. But as I was checking out, the cashier mentioned that it's good. Finally, I was able to try it a few weeks ago. Let me tell you that it is good!

A little tip: If you don't like it spicy, you can skip adding the chilli mix. You can also just add one chilli mix if you are cooking two packs. But if you really like it spicy, then go ahead and don't skip that mix! 🙂

And now, here is my Quarantine Food Diary 3. Enjoy a little bit of ASMR! Subscribe! 🙂
Indomie Salted Egg | Quarantine Food Diary 3

Hola, kumusta? I'm a north girl who blogs about film, food, etc. ❤ To catch my latest FOOD or REEL-ated posts, follow me here or on FB: @ClariSaysBlog and IG: @ClariSays For collaborations or invitations, simply shoot an email at clarisays@gmail.com. Gracias!

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