Indigestion or an upset stomach is a common issue that parents have to face with their babies, toddlers, and growing kids. No matter how healthy they eat, kids may experience indigestion due to various reasons. Sometimes, even the healthiest foods may not go well with the gut health of your kids, causing pain and an upset stomach. However, you can effectively cure indigestion in kids with some medication and effective home remedies.

Indigestion in kids may cause severe pain.
Indigestion in Babies
According to research, over 50% of babies under four months suffer from indigestion. The primary symptoms of indigestion in toddlers may appear as bloated stomach, acid reflexes, or vomiting. Babies usually have poorly developed gastrointestinal tracts. Their immature digestive system takes time to adapt to the digestion of milk. As a result, they experience indigestion when the milk is not properly digested.
Indigestion in Toddlers
One of the many reasons for indigestion in toddlers is their mischievous playtime habits. No matter how healthy you serve them or how often you keep a watch, toddlers often touch surfaces and put those dirty hands in their mouths. They may not wash their hands before eating.
Therefore, these unhealthy eating habits may cause indigestion. Also, when you introduce new foods to them, some of them may not suit their gut and may cause indigestion and bloating.
Digestion Issues in Growing Kids
It is hard to track the eating habits of your growing kids when they start going to school. They may eat packaged foods, fried, spicy foods, or have carbonated drinks that may cause bloating and indigestion. Also, growing children may sometimes overeat while munching on their favorite snacks or enjoying delicious desserts, leading to an upset stomach.
Another important cause of digestive issues in growing kids is stress and anxiety due to various factors. Stress can instantly cause stomach pain, gas issues and even acid reflux.
Signs of Indigestion in Kids
Indigestion is not a disease but a condition wherein the stomach does not digest the food efficiently because of eating too much or too fast. Sometimes, foods that do not agree with gut health also cause indigestion in kids. Here are some of the primary signs and symptoms of indigestion in babies, toddlers and growing kids:
● Abdominal pain, burning sensation, or cramps in the upper belly
● Bloating
● Burping
● Heartburn
● Acid refluxes
● Nausea
● Vomiting
● Constipation
● Bouts of fever
● Loss of appetite
● Weakness
● Disturbed sleep
The feeling of fullness, diarrhea, and gurgling stomach are some other symptoms of indigestion among children.
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Home Remedies for Indigestion in Kids
Indigestion in kids can also be caused by fast eating, frequent munching, or eating at inappropriate times apart from eating the wrong food items. Children often complain of stomach ache accompanied by bloating in case of indigestion. They may turn cranky and refuse to eat because of an upset stomach. Although indigestion may naturally go away after passing gas or stool, you may try following home remedies to alleviate the pain if it persists:
Ajwain ( caraway) Water
Prepare a concoction by boiling a tsp of ajwain in water. Keep this concoction in a water bottle and let your kid drink this water sip by sip over the day until the condition is cured.
You can prepare easy-to-digest foods like khichdi. It is easy on the stomach and allows the inflammation to heal. Also, easy-to-digest foods can help keep your baby feeling full for a long time.
Dahi or curd is a natural prebiotic that increases good bacteria in the gut and hence helps in the digestive process, thereby curing an upset stomach.
Click to learn the Benefits of Curd for Kids.
The strong acids in pineapples help neutralize and regulate bowel movements, thereby curing indigestion.
You can boil a tsp of cumin in water or add a tsp of roasted cumin powder in a water bottle. Cumin activates the pancreas to secrete digestive enzymes for fixing an upset stomach.
Cold Milk
Give cold milk to your kid ( if they are older than 1 year) to treat indigestion and acid reflux.
Prepare Concoction at Home
Mix a spoonful of ginger juice half a spoonful of honey and a few drops of lemon juice. This remedy will alleviate the symptoms of indigestion as well as treat the problem from the root.
Fiber-rich Fruits
Fiber-rich fruits like apples, bananas, and chickoo help stimulate the digestive system, thereby preventing indigestion.
These effective home remedies will help alleviate the pain and cure digestion problems in kids. However, if your child has difficulty swallowing food, vomits frequently, has no appetite, or displays weight loss, it is time to seek expert advice and visit a doctor.
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Tips To Prevent Indigestion in Kids
It is difficult to prevent kids from eating chocolates and packaged foods. Sometimes, they eat fast or overeat. They often crave their favorite foods at odd hours. Eating late and not sleeping well may also cause an upset stomach and indigestion. Here are some tips to ensure a healthy gut and prevent indigestion in your growing kids:

Develop right habits to avoid indigestion!
1. Include high-fiber and protein-rich foods in the diet of your kids.
2. Make sure that they drink plenty of water and other fluids throughout the day.
3. Develop a habit of eating slowly and chewing properly.
4. Avoid packaged foods and carbonated drinks as much as possible.
Check out how I induced healthy eating habits in my kids.
5. Avoid overfeeding.
6. Maintain regular bowel movements.
7. Avoid spicy and oily foods to reduce flatulence.
8. Develop the habit of not drinking water in between meals. In fact, as per Ayurveda, drinking water within 30 minutes of having meals is not recommended.
9. Ensure proper rest, enough sleep, and a stress-free environment.
10. Teach your child to avoid running, jumping, or playing immediately after consuming meals as it may cause pain. There should be a gap of one hour.
11. It is important to burp the baby after feeding, to avoid stomach issues.
12. For kids with allergies, parents need to ascertain the foods that may cause allergies and avoid them in their diet. For example, some kids are allergic to gluten, so give it a miss to avoid indigestion or any other health issue.
13. provide stress-free environment for kids to avoid health issues.
Maintaining these healthy eating habits will help prevent indigestion in kids.
Check out the following links which may help you in raising healthy and happy kids-

Getting Your Kid on a Gluten-Free Casein-Free Diet