Politics Magazine

Indictments/Convictions Starting For Trump Administration

Posted on the 31 October 2017 by Jobsanger
Indictments/Convictions Starting For Trump Administration
Our last presidential administration was one of the cleanest in American history. The Obama administration had no criminal indictments, no criminal convictions, and no prison sentences. It stands as an example for all future administrations on how to conduct government in a clean and non-corrupt way.
The same cannot be said of the Trump administration. Trump's campaign advisor, Paul Manafort (and his associate, Rick Gates) have been indicted on 12 criminal counts. Also, Trump's former foreign policy advisor, George Papadopolous, has plead guilty to lying to the FBI about arranging meetings between the Russians and Trump campaign officials.
Trump has been in office less than 10 months, and his administration has 12 criminal indictments for two individuals and one criminal conviction -- and that's just the beginning. The real possibility exists that many more indictments are to follow --  considering the many Trump campaign officials that met with the Russians (and lied about it), and the many lobbyists and corporate bigwigs Trump has put in government positions (which would allow them to feather their own nests at taxpayer expense).
The Trump administration could easily be the most corrupt administration in American history. The real question now is whether the Trump administration will break the record set by the Nixon administration on indictments, convictions, and prison sentences - and whether Trump will be forced to resign (as Nixon was). I think both could happen.

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