If you are planning to travel to Hong Kong as a tourist, the good News is you dont need a VISA as long as you carry a valid Indian Passport. You can stay up to 14 days. 14 days is plenty of time to stay and experience the vibrance of Hong Kong.
Required Documents For Hong Kong Visa:
1) Valid Indian Passport. Preferably at least 6 months validity for visiting any country, As of second october 2016 I could not confirm how many months of PP Validity is required, however in one page it is mentioned 1 month. In general, to get a Hong Kong visa all visitors must have a passport that is valid for at least one month after the period of their intended stay in Hong Kong. To avoid unnecessary anxiety, better get your passport renewed if your validity is less than six months.

2) Confirmed return ticket for a date on or before 14 days after your arrival at Hong Kong.
3) Confirmed Hotel Booking
4) Proof of sufficient funds to take care of your stay in Hong Kong. A credit card and bank statement with sufficient funds.

Hong Kong Immigration is straightforward and easy, you will filling the arrival card and hand it over to the Immigration officer along with your passport, the officer will give you a small piece of paper along with your passport and you are good to go.
Hong Kong Visa Paper