
Indian Navy Admit Card 2023 – Agniveer MR & SSR Stage II Exam

Posted on the 18 August 2023 by Utpal Konwar @assam_sakori

Indian Navy Admit Card 2023

Indian Navy
has released the admit card of stage II exam for the
recruitment of Matric Recruit (MR) and Senior Secondary Recruits (SSR) on the official website of the Indian Navy . Candidates who submitted their online applications for these posts and appeared in CBT exam as well as shortlisted may now download their call letters for stage II exam. Indian Navy Admit Card 2023 – Agniveer MR & SSR Stage II Exam

Indian Navy Admit Card Details

Name of posts: Agniveer (MR & SSR)

No of posts:
4465 posts (Approx.) 
# Matric Recruit: 300 posts
# Senior Secondary Recruits: 4165 posts
Name of batch: 02/2023 and 01/2024 Batch

Type of exam:
Stage II (Written Examination, PFT and Recruitment Medical Examination )

Date of exam:
28th August to 9th September 2023

Admit card status:
Admit card release date: 17th
August 2023

How to Download Indian Navy Admit Card?

Candidates who submitted their online applications for the above mentioned vacancy will now be able to download their admit card or call letter from the official website of Indian Navy. Candidates may follow the below mentioned steps to download their admit card.
# Scroll down, check Important Web-Link's section.
# Click on Indian Navy Admit Card link.
# Select your state, verify Captcha and click on Save.
# Enter your Registered Email Address, Password, verify Captcha & click on Login.
# Your Indian Navy Admit Card will be displayed.
# Download it and take a printout of the same for future reference.

Important Web-Links of Indian Navy Admit Card

Indian Navy Admit Card Click Here

Advertisement Details MR | SSR

Official Website
Click Here


Selection Process of Navy MR Recruitment

  Indian Navy MR Recruitment consists of following stages -
# Shortlisting (computer based online examination)
# Written Examination, PFT and Recruitment Medical Examination 

Stage I (INET)

Shortlisting: All India computer based examination- INET would be conducted for Shortlisting of candidates. Shortlisting would be based on marks obtained in the Indian Navy Entrance Test. Shortlisting will be carried out in state wise manner. The cut off marks for shortlisting for next stage of selection process may vary from state to state.
Type of exam: Computer Based Examination
Medium of exam: The question paper will be bilingual (Hindi & English)
Total marks: 50 marks
Type of question: Objective type (multiple choice)
No of questions: 50
Standard of question paper: 10th standard syllabus
Duration of exam: 30 minutes
Syllabus: The question paper will comprise of two sections i.e. ‘Science & Mathematics’ and General Awareness.
Negative Marking: Candidates should note that there will be penalty (Negative Marking) for wrong answers given by a candidate. There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one fourth (0.25) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty.

Stage II (Written Exam, PFT and Recruitment Medical)

Candidates shortlisted in INET examination (computer based online examination) will be issued call-up letter for Stage II (written examination, PFT & Recruitment Medical). Stage-II will be conducted in the designated Indian Navy‟s centers. The syllabus for Stage-II written exam is available on website Aadhar Card is mandatory for Stage-II.

Physical Standards: Qualifying in Physical Fitness Test (PFT) is mandatory for selection. Candidates undergoing PFT will do so at their own risk. PFT standard is as follows:- 

Test Male Female

1.6 KM Running
6:30 Minutes
8 Minutes

Squats (Uthak Baithak)


Bent Knee Sit-ups


Recruitment Medical Examination: Recruitment Medical Examination will be carried out for candidates who qualify PFT. Candidates qualifying Recruitment Medical Examination will be considered for merit list. Candidates who are found medically unfit in Recruitment Medical Examination will be advised to appeal against its findings, if they so desire, at designated military hospital (allocated by the Indian Navy) within a maximum period of 21 days. Medical fitness certificate issued by hospitals other than designated Military Hospitals (allocated by the Indian Navy) will not be considered.
Merit List: Merit list will be prepared based on performance in Stage-II written exam, subject to qualification in Physical Fitness Test and Recruitment Medical Examination. Merit List for Agniveer (MR) – Male and Female will be based on all India basis. Merit list will be available on website by Oct 23.

Selection Process of Navy SSR Recruitment

The selection process of Agniveer (SSR) - 02/2023 batch will include following two stages
# Shortlisting (computer based online examination)
# Written Examination, PFT and Recruitment Medical Examination

Stage I (INET)

Shortlisting: All India computer based examination- INET would be conducted for shortlisting of candidates. Shortlisting would be based on marks obtained in the Indian Navy Entrance Test. Shortlisting will be carried out in state wise manner. The cut off marks for shortlisting for next stage of selection process may vary from state to state as vacancies have been allocated in a state wise manner.
Type of exam: Computer Based Examination

Medium of exam:
The question paper will be bilingual (Hindi & English)

Total marks:
100 marks

Type of question:
Objective type (multiple choice)
No of questions: 100
Duration of exam: 1 hour
Standard of question paper: 12th standard syllabus
Syllabus: The question paper will comprise of four sections i.e. English, Science, Mathematics and General Awareness.

Negative Marking:
Candidates should note that there will be penalty (Negative Marking) for wrong answers given by a candidate. There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one fourth (0.25) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty. 

Stage II (Written Exam, PFT and Recruitment Medical)

Candidates shortlisted in INET examination (computer based online examination) will be issued call-up letter for Stage II (written examination, PFT & Recruitment Medical Examination). Stage-II will be conducted in the designated Indian Navy’s centers. The syllabus for Stage-II written exam is available on official website. Aadhar Card is mandatory for Stage-II.

Physical Standards:
Qualifying in Physical Fitness Test (PFT) is mandatory for selection. Candidates undergoing PFT will do so at their own risk. PFT standard is as follow:- 

Test Male Female

1.6 KM Running
6:30 Minutes
8 Minutes

Squats (Uthak Baithak)


Bent Knee Sit-ups


Recruitment Medical Examination: Recruitment Medical Examination will be carried out for candidates who qualify PFT. Candidates qualifying Recruitment Medical Examination will be considered for merit list. Candidates who are found medically unfit in Recruitment Medical Examination will be advised to appeal against its findings, if they so desire, at designated military hospital (allocated by the Indian Navy) within a maximum period of 21 days. Medical fitness certificate issued by hospitals other than designated Military Hospitals (allocated by the Indian Navy) will not be considered. No further review/ appeal is permissible.
Merit List: Merit list will be prepared based on performance in Stage-II written exam, subject to qualification in Physical Fitness Test and Recruitment Medical Examination. Merit List for Agniveer (SSR) – male and female will be based on a state wise merit. The cut off marks for issue of call up letter for recruitment at INS Chilka may vary from state to state. Merit list will be available on website by Oct 23.

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