
India Rejects “Speculative Reports” About Sending Troops To Sri Lanka

Posted on the 11 May 2022 by Sandeep Malik

KOLOMBO: The Indian High Commission today firmly rejected speculative media reports about New Delhi who sent troops to Colombo, said India fully supports democracy, stability, and economic recovery of Sri Lanka.
The rejection of the Indian mission came a day after being denied as a fake and bright local social media speculation “that former Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa and his family members had fled to India.

The existence of Mahinda Rajapaksa has been speculated since his resignation on Monday. It was reported that Mahinda had left the residence of her office-cum, the temple trees.

India on Tuesday said “fully supports” from democracy, stability, and economic recovery of the island.

The high commission wants to categorize the speculative report in the media and social media section about #India who sent its troops to Sri Lanka. Reports and views like this are also not in accordance with the #Indian government’s position,” The Indian mission said on Twitter.

Indian external ministry spokesman clearly stated yesterday that India fully supports democracy, stability, and economic recovery of Sri Lanka,” he said in another tweet.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Arindam Bagchi said on Tuesday: “India will always be guided by the best interests of the Sri Lanka people who are expressed through a democratic process”.

Mahinda Rajapaksa, 76, resigned as prime minister in the midst of an unprecedented economic chaos in the country, a few hours after his supporters attacked anti-government protesters, encouraging authorities to force national curfews and mobilize troops in the capital. The attack triggered broad violence against pro-Rajapaksa politicians.

A group of protesters gathered around the Navy Base in the Trincomalee Timur Port District, claiming that Mahinda Rajapaksa had taken shelter there.

The call for his arrest increased because of alleged gangs of gangs who then attacked anti-government protesters who called for the Rajapaksa family, including President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, to resign.

At least eight people have died while more than 250 people have been injured in clashes who also saw a number of property belonging to the ruling party politicians were burned.

The President of Gotabaya has asked the people to stop “violence and acts of revenge” against fellow citizens and vowed to overcome the worst political and economic crisis in the country since gaining independence from Britain in 1948.

The post India Rejects “Speculative Reports” About Sending Troops To Sri Lanka first appeared on The News Hunts.

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