
Independent Foreign Policy Does Not Mean Being anti-India, Said Mr. PM Imran Khan

Posted on the 01 April 2022 by Geetikamalik

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan during his speech to the nation claimed that he had tried to maintain independent foreign policy that would benefit its citizens.

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan during his speech to the nation on Thursday said Independent foreign policy did not mean anti-India.

“I decided that my foreign policy would be independent. Independent foreign policy was intended for Pakistan. That does not mean that we are anyone. That does not mean we will be anti-American, anti-Indian or anti-European ‘,” said Khan amid political drama because the movement is not confident of his government which will be chosen on Sunday.

“When India revoked Kashmir’s special status, I opposed them on all platforms. But I tried my best level to maintain friendship relations with India,” Khan said.

Imran’s statement came more than ten days after Pakistani Prime Minister had praised Indian foreign policy at his rally in the land of the Islamabad parade. “India is a member of the Quad Alliance with the United States as one of its members. But still it calls himself neutral. India imports oil from Russia who face sanctions. This is because India’s foreign policy is for the people,” said the 69-year-old leader.

During his speech, Imran Khan refused to resign after his reign became a minority after leaving the Akami Balochistan Party and the Mutahide Qaumi (Pakistani) movement to the opposition camp. “I’ll play until the last ball,” he said.

Prime Minister raised ‘Memo Threat’ mentioning the United States before correcting himself and calling it foreign forces. Khan claims that foreign countries are aware of the non-confidence movement proposed in the Assembly. “They said they were angry with Pakistan … they made this reason. They said they would forgive Pakistan if Imran Khan lost in movement without trust, but if the move failed, Pakistan must go through difficult times,” Khan said in accordance with dawn .

The opposition claimed support from 177 members on the majority mark of 172 in 342 members of the Pakistani assembly.

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