To keep your staff longer today you will need to increase staff productivity and loyalty.
Did you know that more than half of the employees across businesses are busy searching for new job opportunities even when they’re at work? It’s vital that you know that people don’t leave bad jobs, they leave bad employers.
It’s important today to know how to increase productivity and loyalty for your business to survive.Anyone can keep working a job they’re not sure of if they are getting paid, but there aren’t many people who can stand to work for someone they don’t gel with.
As an employer and leader, you want to make sure that the people who work for you are loyal to you as long as possible. That means doing all that you can to provide support to the people working for you.
The biggest question is what you could do to create and increase your employee loyalty. From workplace training to providing hot lunches on a Friday, you need to do all that you can to make life easy for the people working for you.
Here are several ways that you can increase your staff loyalty and have fun in the workplace.
How to Increase Staff Productivity and Loyalty
Get to know what loyalty really means. Did you know that most employers aren’t actually aware of what it means to have a loyal staff or how to create that loyalty?
It’s a set of emotions that allows your staff to feel attached to you as their employer. If you want to make sure that the people working for you are loyal, you want to help them to feel attached, so make sure that you are paying attention to that!
The biggest question is what you could do to create and increase your employee loyalty. From to providing hot lunches on a Friday, you need to do all that you can to make life easy for the people working for you.
Good Benefits
Offer good benefits. No one wants to work for an employer who treats them like they don’t matter. Employees will expect to be paid as much as they can elsewhere and if you are underpaying your staff, you’re going to lose them.
It’s not just paid, either. If your benefits suck, then people won’t want to hang around and help. You should consider what benefits you offer around your salary and whether they match any other businesses around you.
Listen to your staff when they recommend others. If you have anyone in your business recommending people that they know, they’re going to be people you should trust.
Recommending a friend or family member is something you’re going to ask from time to time. If you trust your employees, believe that they know people who could be good for your business.
Let them have more control. One of the best ways to make your staff feel loyal is to get some control into their hands.
If you cede some control to your employees, you’re going to take the heat off you and give them some responsibility.
Take away the questions. Your staff has to feel safe and for that to work, you need to remove uncertainty. Everyone should feel secure in their job without worrying that they’re going to get fired.
Give people a reason to feel like they are working in the right place.
How to Increase Productivity and Loyalty as a New Leader
If you are a new employer and the transition from employee to boss doesn’t come easily to you, the chances are that you are eager to cement your authority.
While being a boss can be a tough challenge, you need to strike a balance between being firm yet getting the most out of your team. The employees that you have during these surreal days may not have their job at the forefront of their minds.
Routines have shifted, people have started to work from home more often, and the economy looks uncertain. As a new boss, you have to reassure your staff while remaining transparent. To maximize productivity during challenging times, you need to harness these newbie boss essentials.
As a new boss, you have to reassure your staff while remaining transparent.
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Be Flexible to Increase Staff Productivity
It’s crucial that you remain flexible during this pandemic. If you can facilitate working from home, allow your staff to be present at virtual meetings from the comfort of their own home office. This can instill a sense of confidence in your employees.
Allowing them to work from home also shows how much you respect your team. You don’t have to micro-manage everything. This can leave your staff feeling claustrophobic.
Your staff will be so keen to retain their jobs and have something to occupy their minds that they will be more productive than when they are in the office.
Their commute will be non-existent, and they can hone a more fulfilling work-life balance. Don’t put too much pressure on your staff to return to the office if there is no need.
As a leader, you can lead by example. Set the tone and most will follow. If you work from home they will not feel pressured to return to the office.
You don’t have to micro-manage everything. This can leave your staff feeling claustrophobic. #InspireToThrive
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Know Your Staff
As a new employer, you might have a lot on your plate implementing a business vision and securing funding. However, don’t lock yourself in your office to never show your face. You need to be present and visible.
Have an open-door policy and encourage your staff to voice their concerns to increase staff productivity.
You want to be approachable and speak to your staff on a human level. Get to know your staff and work out what makes them tick. You can get to know your Enneagram number by taking this Enneagram test which then details your personality type.
Get your entire staff team to take this short test to discover their motivations and ways of working. This can help you to form communication policies and get the maximum levels of productivity from your team.
We can’t change how we see. But we can change what we do with how we see. #Ennegram #leadership
— Jay Hidalgo (@jayhidalgo) June 11, 2020
Get your entire staff team to take this short test to discover their motivations and ways of working.
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Environment for Productivity
When your staff does return to work, you need to ensure their safety and well-being. Have a social distancing policy in place. This may mean a rotation for office attendance as you might not have the ability to be at full capacity.
Next, have hand sanitizer stations at the end of every set of collaborative pods and allow your staff to wear face coverings or shields if they wish. It’s crucial that you allow your employees to dictate their safety alongside the policies that you implement. Deep clean your office every evening after work and ensure that hot-desking is no longer a policy.
Finally, keep your office space clean, tidy, and hygienic for your staff to keep their focus on their work rather than worrying about their environment.
Pay Them On Time
I know as a freelancer over the years I loved being paid on time. This is one of the essentials I do for my own freelancers today. Therefore, once a job is complete I like to pay them immediately.
By paying people quickly for their completed work they will more likely stay with you in the future and continue to work hard for you.
In Conclusion
Follow this guide and you can arm yourself with the essentials that you need to increase staff productivity.
Have you increased your staff productivity recently? Or have you lost employees due to the great resignation? Are your staff also concerned about being replaced by robots?
I’d love to know more in the comments below!