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In with the New: No More Boring Casements for You

By Kravelv

Tired of your home’s old casement windows? Looking for a change but not sure if it’s the right time for a replacement? Don’t fret! If your windows are showing certain signs, that means it’s possible for your desire for an upgrade to coincide with a legitimate need for a replacement. Kill two birds with one stone by checking for the following signs:

  • Visible Damage. This is the top sign that your windows need replacing because damaged frames and broken glass prevent your windows from performing as they should. Other signs you should be mindful of include:

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  • Drafts. If, despite caulking and weatherstripping, you can still feel a draft when standing near your window, then it’s leaking air and may need to be replaced.
  • Difficulty of operation. If your windows are hard to operate, chances are they’re not sealing your house effectively. If operable components are beyond repair, have them replaced as necessary.
  • Fogging or condensation. Fogging or condensation between panes is a sign that window seals have failed. If resealing is no longer possible, it may be time for a replacement.

Out with the old, in with the new

Replacing old windows is a great way to keep a home looking good but opting for a different style is a chance to update and upgrade your property, allowing you to boost your home’s overall value better.

  • Bow and Bay. Variations on the same theme, bow and bay windows lend a sense of increased space to any room, extending past walls for bigger views and better daylighting opportunities.

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  • Picture. Boasting expansive glass areas, these large windows capture outdoor views well, framing scenery excellently. If you have a picturesque view, make the most put of it by getting a picture window.
  • Sliding. These windows help you save space indoors by operating sideways on a rail. Easy to operate, they’re great for letting in ventilation without sacrificing floor space.

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  • Specialty. Characterized by non-traditional shapes and designs, specialty windows work great in dramatically boosting a home’s curbside appeal. They can be turned into focal points for a property, imparting a unique charm to a home.

The window replacement process

The process generally follows the same key elements, starting with a consultation with your contractor. An in-home consultation is usually scheduled as it will let your contractor to see your old window for themselves, letting them come up with suitable solutions to your window problems.

Afterwards, you can expect to:

  • Receive an estimate. Estimates are provided to you with no obligation so don’t feel pressured into accepting them. Assess the details of the estimate and only accept it when it addresses what you’re looking for.
  • Receive a contract. Once you’ve expressed your intention to work with a contractor, you will be provided with a contract detailing the window replacement project. Make sure you go over all terms first before signing. The contract must also be signed by the contractor signifying that they too agree with the terms.
  • Receive materials. Depending on your arrangements with your contractor, materials for your window replacement may be delivered to your home in advance, expediting preparations. This means you may have to make room until all the replacement is done.
  • Receive a bill. Once replacement work is finished, check all your new windows to see if everything is in place. If you have no problems, your contractor will then send you your final bill for settling so everyone can go home happy.


Author Bio:

Dawn Dewey is the marketing director for Renewal by Andersen (New Mexico, San Diego and Tucson) and Dreamstyle Remodeling. One of Professional Remodeler magazine’s 40 Under 40 for 2015, she’s responsible for spreading Renewal by Andersen of New Mexico’s name far and wide. Catch her updates through the company blog! Aside from home improvement, Dawn is also passionate about animal welfare, the environment, and civil rights.


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