Mr. Thrill,
Even though your company has been around for more than 10 years, I just found out about, which I think is awesome. The listserv set up for my frat brothers from Alpha Tau Omega blew up with your recent post, "Groove Cruise Pics: 4 Days Of Half-Naked Women And Nonstop EDM." I was equally impressed with your enterprise journalism focusing on the creation of Rome's red light district.
But most of all, I really love your beer writing, which has clearly set the bar for public discussion and consumption. <-- pretty good pun
After I read the post Sour Beers Are For Hipsters, Geeks, And Overcompensating Oafs*, I felt a strong connection to your editorial philosophy. But it was this week's Craft Beer Is Dead. Gose Killed It. that sealed the deal.
As someone who has written numerous beer reviews, I could definitely relate to a non-sweat liquid tasking just like the warm, spicy sweat one could lick off the underarm of a 43-year old, bearded body builder named Hans. Like your writers, I too, believe the glorious revolution of beer is over, and I've got a lot to say about it. People should definitely listen.
Which is why I'm ideal to be your next beer writer. I'm young ( check), write a beer blog ( check) and really love attention from purposefully saying stupid things ( check). Like this one time I jumped up on a table in the student union and yelled something inappropriate at the girls walking by. Your site is kind of like that and I feel like I embody it.
As a Millennial, I also feel like I'm ready for big responsibility, so let's do this thing, right?
You'll find my resume attached. You can click to enlarge it, if necessary. I look forward to hearing from you.
Warm regards,
+Bryan Roth
"Don't drink to get drunk. Drink to enjoy life." - Jack Kerouac