Society Magazine

“In the Beginning There Was Nothing, Which Exploded"

By Elizabethprata @elizabethprata
Scientists have announced another breakthrough. Breakthroughs seems to come fast and furious in some of the scientific disciplines. Some seem to stick and others seem to fade away immediately after the hoopla subsides. Think Missing Link in the field of evolution. And think Higgs Boson in the field of Physics. Or gluon. Or quark. Or dark matter. Or, even, the Big Bang.
The "breakthrough" physicists are excited about is that they say they have found another nugget of information about our universe immediately after it banged open. They believe that everything we see was once smaller than an electron, and something made it bang open. At the bang, there were massive gravitational waves that spread out, and this is what physicists have said they found evidence of. "Inflation" is the term they use to describe the run-up to the bang.The universe got bigger and bigger until it split open in a cataclysmic event. Gravitational waves billions of light years across or something, spread out across an instantly expanding universe. The gravitational waves make a distinctive curl or a swirl, and since the wave has already passed by, supposedly billions of years ago, the only remaining way to detect the wave is the way the light around where it used to be is polarized. A telescope in the Antarctic has discovered the swirly polarized signature of the gravitational Big Bang wave. I'll let Discovery explain further.
Located in the arid atmospheric conditions of Antarctica, BICEP2 has a very clear view of the cosmos. The instrument has the ability of measuring the polarization of the weak signal from the CMB radiation. On Earth, sunlight can become polarized if it reflects off a mirror or when filtered by polarized sunglasses (thus reducing the glare). The radiation from the ancient CMB can also become polarized and gravitational waves have the ability to manipulate the polarization of the incoming radiation. The specific type of polarization, known as ‘B-mode polarization,’ is what BICEP2 has been looking for. And now, with a high degree of certainty, astronomers have found it.

“The swirly B-mode pattern of polarization is a unique signature of gravitational waves,” said Chao-Lin Kuo, of Stanford University and the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, co-leader of the project. “This is the first direct image of gravitational waves across the primordial sky.”

Today’s announcement is being touted as the “discovery of the century,” and although the two papers that were announced today have yet to go to print, the high certainty that backs these results is a huge hint that astronomers may have struck gold. Not only does this finding support the theory of cosmic inflation and the first strong observational evidence of gravitational waves, it could tie in to one of the most perplexing problems in modern quantum physics: What role does gravity play with the quantum world?

Physicists are having a hard time understanding how gravity relates to the Standard Model of physics, a situation that has forced theoretical physicists to pursue increasingly exotic ideas to find an answer.
The 'increasingly exotic ideas in order to find an answer' is where physicist Alexander Unziger comes in. He is a scientist who says that most of what physicists have come up with is bunk and inventions. But first, a review.
The way that most physicists describe the universe is in the Standard Model. Scientists know there are four major components of the universe, weak nuclear force, strong nuclear force, electromagnetic force, and gravitational force. They think have figured out the first three but for the life of them they can't figure out gravity. Like where it comes from or how it works. So in the Standard Model they simply ignore it. The Standard Model does not address gravitational force at all. They focus on the first three. That is the first inkling that all is not well in astrophysics.
You might remember the Large Hadron Collider, which conducted an experiment to collide particles to recreate a mini-Big Bang, and see what resulted from the collision. Physicists were looking for the particle that is called Higgs Boson, which would explain the universe's mass. Back along, they discovered neutrinos, which are particles that have no mass, but what gives the universe mass, the corresponding element to counterbalance the neutrino? They postulated there must exist such a particle, which they dubbed the theoretical Higgs Boson.
Yet that brought them further down the rabbit hole, because if there is a Higgs boson particle, counterbalancing the mass-less neutrino, there still isn't enough matter in the universe to account for the universe. We're only up to 4% of the universe. So they invented the theory of dark matter.
"Our current understanding of the universe suggests that the matter we can observe only accounts for about 4 percent of all the matter that must exist. When we look at the movement of galaxies and other celestial bodies, we see that their motions suggest there's much more matter in the universe than we can detect. Scientists named this undetectable material dark matter. Together, observable matter and dark matter could account for about 25 percent of the universe." (source)
So they invented the theory of dark energy.
And so on and etcetera.
Back to Dr Unzicker.
Science on Sunday: The Higgs Fake
I’ve just read The Higgs Fake by Alexander Unzicker. He says physicists such as Einstein would have considered the “discovery” of the Higgs boson to be utterly ridiculous. And more. Unzicker really rips into particle physics. Not physics, particle physics, also known as high energy physics or HEP. But note that Unzicker isn’t some anti-science zealot. See the author section on Amazon along with his CV and his arXiv papers. He’s a whistleblower, which is why he’s written this book.

You know this when you’ve read A Zeptospace Odyssey by CERN physicist Gian Giudice, because then you know a few things. Like the Higgs mechanism is “frightfully ad hoc”. Like it’s responsible for only 1% of the mass of matter. Like the Higgs boson isn’t the central particle of the Standard Model. So you know there’s a big difference between the facts and the mystery-of-mass hype. And you know that there’s particle physicists out there who know the facts but keep quiet, whilst others hype the hype and tell fairy tales about cosmic treacle.

So you know Unzicker isn’t talking out of his hat. You know Unzicker is right when he says particle physicists haven’t reduced the number of parameters or incorporated gravity. You know they haven’t explained the fine structure constant. Or the mass of the electron and the proton. Or why the electron and proton and their antiparticles are the only stable massive particles. You know particle physicists haven’t explained spin, or charge, or Beta decay, or any of the other puzzles that bothered Einstein and Bohr and Pauli and Schrödinger and Dirac. You know instead that particle physicists have made things more complicated rather than more elegant, going against the grain of scientific progress. You know that instead of explaining things, particle physicists have invented things. Things like supersymmetry, which is now a dead man walking. Things like isospin and color and hypercharge and strangeness. Things that aren’t explained at all, and things that are swept under the carpet, like quark confinement.

So you smile wryly when Unzicker quotes from The End of Physics by David Lindley, a former editor at Nature: “In the end, the quark model succeeded by the ironical trick of proving that no quark would ever be directly seen by a physicist.
This Alexander Unzicker sounds like my kind of scientist.
So why this whole long science essay? To mention the following three items:
1. When scientists theorize one thing and it doesn't fit, they have to invent another theory to cover the flaws in the first theory, and then invent another to bring along the first two, and so on. This is a perfect fulfillment of this verse:
always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth. (2 Timothy 3:7)
Of course the verse mainly means they are always learning about God in some kind of fake religion but for these scientists, science is their God. They want to know about the creation, to them it's called the universe, and they are always learning and dub their theories "The God Particle" and "Higgsogenesis", but never actually acknowledge God or know God.
2. Forget muons and gluons and Standard Model and dark matter and dark energy and Higgs boson and Large Hadron Collider and gravitational waves. Here is the Standard Model of the Creation of the Universe:
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. (Genesis 1:1)
That's it. That is the answer. It is so simple that people think, 'Oh No, It Cannot Be'. O, but it is. We overcomplicate the Gospel by adding words and law. (Galatians 3:12). We overcomplicate our prayers by adding words and repetitions. (Matthew 6:5, 6:7). And we overcomplicate science by deleting God, the First Cause of the Universe's Existence and the Sustainer of the the Creation. (Hebrews 1:3)

3. It is all a shame, because though science is interesting, the God of creation has been made plain to them. Plain! It's obvious! It's not difficult, people!

"For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them." (Romans 1:19).

The word in Greek is from phaneros, and it means: apparent, disclosed, evident, light, obvious, outward, tell, well known. The verse doesn't say that He just showed it to them but He has made it plain.
Yet they persist. Famous Physicist Niels Bohr said,
"It is wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how Nature is. Physics concerns what we say about Nature."
There we have it. man seeks not only to suppress their evident knowledge of God, nor glorify Him, nor give Him thanks, "They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator" (Romans 1:25). They make themselves gods by saying how the universe came to be.
They come up with theories like gravitational waves in the Big Bang, a theory novelist Terry Pratchett poked at in his book Lords and Ladies,
In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.”
Genesis 1:1 is simple but profound. Please listen to Phil Johnson's wonderful recent sermon called "What Creation Reveals." Pastor Johnson said,
Of Genesis 1:1, "A. W. Tozer said that's the single most important verse in all of Scripture, even surpassing John 3:16. Something in me recoils from the idea of trying to rank the relative importance of key Bible verses, because "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable" but (of course) Tozer believed that as well. So I think I understand what he meant when he ranked Genesis 1:1 as the Bible's most important text. This is the necessary starting-point and foundation for everything else the Bible has to say.There is no text in the whole Bible that contains more or explains more than Genesis 1:1. Literally everything is in this verse. ...  
If creation is the foundation of all truth, the gospel is the central truth to which all other truth leads, and Christ Himself is the very pinnacle and incarnation of all truth. If you have not yet embraced Him as "the way, and the truth, and the life," my prayer for you is that God will open your eyes to see, and that your entire life and worldview will be transformed by the truth of Christ."

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