Diaries Magazine

In and Around the Pool

By Kristy @mileydailyscoop
Not all dogs like to swim but for those who do, there are many benefits. Here a just a few:
  • 15 minutes of swimming is equivalent to a 2 mile walk.
  • It involves all major muscle groups which in turn increases strength and support for joints.
  • It burns a great amount of energy, leaving your dog relaxed for the rest of the day.
  • Is great for weight management and it's just plain fun!
As much fun as we have IN the pool, we have just as much fun AROUND the pool. 
Maggie and Bruin like to play a silly little game where they grab their favorite pool toys and follow each other around pool...
In and Around the Pool
Maggie is known as the "pool toy hoarder", she will stuff as many toys as she can in her lab mouth...
In and Around the Pool
While Bruin is perfectly happy with just one...
In and Around the Pool
Finally, mom and dad (while trying to keep all their digits) will take the toys and throw them back in the pool...
In and Around the Pool
In and Around the Pool
And their silly little game starts all over again...
In and Around the Pool
Miley on the other hand is a "one lap'r". 
She will do her one lap around the pool, sometimes with a little added "weight" and she is done...
In and Around the Pool
Whether in or around the pool, they are definitely burning some great energy which in turn leads to some serious nap time.
Especially for Maggie...
In and Around the Pool
We are joining the FitDog Friday blog hop brought to you by SlimDoggy and co-hosts To Dog with Love and GBGV Life.
In and Around the Pool

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