Well, today is Christmas Eve. It’s the day we’ve all been waiting for here at the Verni household. This year, we are hosting both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and then we are heading to my parents’ house the day after Christmas for a celebration with my brother and his family. Three days of family and celebration = good times in our books.
We’ve been lucky enough to continue a lot of our traditions this year, including the following:
- We cut down our Christmas Tree at Pine Valley Farms the day after Thanksgiving
- We decorated the house inside and outside for Christmas
- We took our Christmas Card photo and mailed off our Christmas Cards
- We went to Annapolis for Parade of Lights, shopped, and ate in Annapolis
- We celebrated Midnight Madness in Annapolis with both friends and my daughter
- We watched Ellie perform in the Winter Dance Concert and saw her choreographed dance in honor of our dear friend, Luke, who passed away in August
- We’ve watched too many Hallmark Christmas movies to count
- I shopped for the gifts for our families and friends (notice the I in that sentence, wink-wink)
- We’ve baked cookies and prepared meals for our two-days of Christmas
- And we’re now just putting finishing touches on our Christmas celebrations
Some traditions bring me so much joy, it’s difficult for me to put them into words. Watching Albert Finney in Scrooge, The Musical is one of my great joys. I can’t let a merry season such as this go by without watching Ebenezer Scrooge become redeemed. As my character, Olivia, says in my new novel Little Milestones, “You can never have a story with too much redemption in it.”
I fully agree.
A Christmas Carol by Dickens reminds us all to be a little kinder, a little more charitable, and a little less miserable and helps us reset and recalibrate for the upcoming year.
Wishing you all much love, happiness, and success this holidays season and always,
M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S !
“I have to leave you now. Must go and get ready. I’m going to have Christmas dinner with my family.”