Family Magazine

Imagine – No Electronics for 30 Minutes!

By Barbarajpeters @CouplesAuthor

The other day I walked into my daughter’s house and this is the scene that greeted me . . .

My four grandchildren, ages 15, 14, 8 and 5, were lined up on the couch in the family room, each plugged into some kind of iPhone, iPad, or iPod device. I immediately snapped a picture with my own Smart Phone to capture the Kodak moment and quickly posted it on my Facebook page with the caption, At least they’re not spending their free time watching TV!  A memorable moment for sure!

Imagine – no electronics for 30 minutes!
When was the last time you spent 30 minutes enjoying your significant other or family without any interfering electronics interrupting your time together?  Remember back when you started the day over morning coffee with your spouse while reading the newspaper? The morning paper with the news of the day has been replaced with the iPhone, iPad, ‘droid, whatever. We are quickly becoming a plugged-in society, afraid to be without our communication crutches even on vacation.  When did multi-tasking become more important than quality one-on-one time with our loved ones?

Have you ever considered becoming a “singular-tasker” to connect exclusively with your family, especially your spouse or partner, for some time each day? Do you think you would even know how to be and remain in the present and have meaningful interaction with your spouse? What would it be like? Would you grasp for words and settle for small talk?

Carrying on a meaningful conversation might be difficult at first and small talk just might be the avenue to start your journey. Small talk can evolve into “Remember when . . .” which can take a proactive turn to action.

How about creating a time each day just for your spouse or partner when all electronic devices are turned completely off, including the television. Spend 30 minutes talking, hugging, holding hands, or simply smiling as you create special moments with the one you hold most dear.

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