Society Magazine

Ignored Residents of Indian Nation

Posted on the 03 July 2013 by Sumithardia

It was rather disappointing to see the Mittal Patel’s first few slides of Franklin Templeton Investments partnered the TEDxGateway Mumbai in December 2012 as she takes on the status of nomadic and de-notified tribes.. It really hurts the basic the structure of Indian constitution and even now there are millions of people who are living the life in this manner. In fact they are forced to live in such manner. Thanks to activist like Mittal Patel who compensated few of the nomadic and de-notified but the real question remains stationary, why there is no prevention act is coming to save them?

It’s really hurting for the Indian citizen who spends all his childhood reading the glorious past and now believing that India is the one of the fastest developing countries of the world. Talking about the de-notified and nomadic tribes, I too belong from the village backgrounds and I have seen plenty of nomadic working for almost 14 hours to feed their children. When I was a kid I used to see their shelters starting from the point where the village ends and often their shelter just disappear overnight. I never thought why they are not willing to live a settled life.

Now, I am well known to the fact why and the worst thing is our parliament is passing bills only to strengthen the vote banks and unfortunately these individuals can’t vote. The only permanent solution which I am having in my mind is to file the case for amending the constitution section stating “right to equality”. As this is written just in paper and you will easily see this right taken away from individuals. If we seriously need this right then these tribes also need it. Not for themselves but for the descendents. Sitting idly at home won’t do any good and we must have to demand this right for them. May be it’s the time to join them in main stream and let them leave their nomadic and de-notified tags. Let’s make the people aware of it and ask them to join the campaigns. Let’s save the snake charmers and street performers too.

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