Self Expression Magazine

Ignorant Black People

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

Ignorant Black PeopleThere is indeed racism and a lot of prejudices and bias within society against nationality as well as gender. Too much to cover in just one post so as of now I’m just going to briefly summarize on a few related issues.

Particularly, this black people thing and how when they’re insulted by someone of another race these days it’s considered being racist but what about other black folk who think, say, and feel the same way about black people as do some of the other nationalities?

And I am not taking up for any other race or ethnicity because any group of individuals can fall into their own stereotypical category and mode of description, however, I never hear about this being expressed within the media.

I as a black female grew up at a very early age in a neighborhood that was predominately white until the black people started moving in before I was born. When I was born there were mostly blacks and some Hispanics but very few whites if any left.

Nevertheless, I went to day care and kindergarten with all different type of nationalities of children then was bust out to a school district at the age of eight to a school and neighboring area predominately populated with white people and children.

There were also Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Hebrew, a few Hispanic and a few other blacks attending to the school.

It was a totally different experience and a favorable one at that also in many ways a better experience for me that was nurturing and quite beneficial to my well-being and growth due to the high level that I was on and the mentality that I shared.

All through out my life it has been white people who had treated me very well and would help to build me up to succeed whereas it was many of the other blacks that were lower than me that pursued to tear me down.

In all honesty and I don’t care who likes it or not many blacks are what a lot of white people negatively classify them as. They are trouble, they are ignorant, and they are very undesirable as a people.

I heard it said that black people in general are not as intellectually bright unless they were mixed with a percentage of other ancestry and long before that I use to hear that from my mother as well as she would tell me that I had to have had european blood in me for me to be as bright as I was.

And I do understand how DNA works it can come from way back we don’t necessarily get or have the same genetic traits or share attributes just because we’re closely related by bloodline necessarily.

And it is true. Our family has African-American, Native American, And European bloodline and it doesn’t go far back either! It stems from immediate family to grandparents and beyond on all sides of the family and I can back it all up with proof.

And I’m tired of hearing that shit about slavery. It was the blacks that sold the other blacks as slaves.

The ignorant trashy blacks they sold to the caucasian folk because they weren’t of any value or worth to them. The black folk of substance who were beneficial and capable of being doctors and of other valuable asset and so on, they kept.

Many don’t even know true history.

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