It's hard to really give the book justice in a short explanation, but here is an idea as seen on the Meghan Method site page:
"This revolutionary guide demystifies decorating, breaking it down into a fill-in-the-blank, simple, step-by-step process — with worksheets — that enables ANYONE, on any budget, to create the home of his or her dreams. You'll discover:
How to find your true style.
How to pick the perfect colors.
How to mix patterns.
How to arrange furniture.
How to choose lighting.
Where to score the best deals.
Where to find the coolest items.
And much, much more."
Below I've scanned a few of her amazing worksheets which show you how to translate your needs and likes into the perfect room:

Thanks Meghan for the shout out!

I definitely recommend checking this book out. It's a thick one - almost 400 pages. And it's not just a book of pretty pictures - it's more like the text book for decorating you always wished you had.
You can buy the book here.
You can download the worksheets here.