I have always loved myself and I have a deep respect for myself. I am really proud.
We all have our ups and downs from time to time that is a part of life, but for the most part all things are going my way. I am successful.
So many people came up against me in the past because I was a good person and because I don’t have any dirt on me.
When people cannot mold you and control you they try to destroy you.
I am going to be fifty years old next year and when look back on my life I see the winner that I am. I have the life that I want not the life that they wanted for me.
They tried for years to get me to be with a man and they couldn’t do it!
I knew as a child that I was never meant to be with a man and that is a blessing. I am happy this way. It would not be normal for me to be with a man. I could care less about a man. I never had feelings for one–but they never wanted to hear or accept it. A lot of people cannot accept or deal with the truth.
They tried to treat me as one not to be taken seriously in order to try to make me lose my confidence but lucky for me I was never the type to care what others thought–anyway I was always steps ahead with knowledge, wisdom, and insight.
They put witchcraft on me when I was seven or eight years of age in attempt to control my life but I was protected and prevailed– look at me now–I even still look like a baby.
I have seen people reap what they have sowed some have even loss their lives as a result and there is more to come! The most high does not play.
When you know too much and see through people they call you crazy.
I learned at an early age how sick the world is and how sick a lot of people are that is why I stayed away from most of them.
All I can say is much thanks and respect to the universe for constantly having my back since I was a child up until now and towards the future because the best for me is yet to come.❤❤❤