Destinations Magazine

Icelandair to Fly to Edmonton, Vancouver

By Travellingtheworld

Iceland‘s national carrier Icelandair is planning to increase its flights to Canada by adding two more destinations. The two destinations are Edmonton and Vancouver.

The Edmonton-Reykjavik flight will be launched on March 26, and will run four times a week (Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays) till January 10th, 2015.

Flight Times

The flights will leave Reykjavik at 4.45 pm local time and reach Edmonton at 5.30 pm local time.

They depart Edmonton at 6.30 pm and arrive in Iceland at 6.50 am the following day.

The Vancouver-Reykjavik flight will be launched on May 13, and will run till October 12, 2014. It will operate twice a week.

Flight Times

The flights will leave Reykjavik every Tuesdays and Sundays at 5.15 pm and reach Vancouver at 5.50 pm. They will leave Vancouver the following days (Wednesdays and Mondays, respectively) at 4.20 pm and reach Reykjavik at 6.25 am.

It is expected that depending on the success of these two routes, a decision will be made whether or not to continue with the flights on a year-around basis or on a seasonal basis.

Icelandair has already been flying daily to Toronto and to Halifax.

Icelandair touts its ever-growing network within Europe as a faster, and cheaper, way to get to other cities of the continent.

They also claim that traveling via Reykjavik shortens trip time to many of the European cities.

Very Competitive Pricing

And Icelandair can claim that it offers better deals than others.

For example, I tried the following:


Departure Apr 2, 2014; Return Apr 9, 2014 – all prices include taxes

Icelandair – $939.00

Air Canada – $1,285.00

Lufthansa – $ 1,305.00

However, note that Icelandair does not provide meals, just a snack or non-alcoholic beverages. Meals and alcoholic beverages can be purchases onboard.

Even without the meals, the Icelandair offer is very attractive.

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